MyLittleHomestead Video List | Online Education for School, College, Homeschool & More! SlowSilver Creations - Online Digital Art & More | School Homeschool College Online Education MrOffandOn How to Repair Car, Truck, Motorcycle, Electronic Devices, Bodywork, Custom Paint & More!  School, Homeschool, College Online Education ScienceMadeFunner - How to 3D Printer Projects, Science Experiment, How to Fix Car, Computer and More! - School, Homeschool, College Online Education Winter Apple | How to Costume Design for Anime Cosplay | How to Sew & Draw & Paint | Storytelling and Animiation Coming Soon! - School, Homeschool, College Online Education Little Homestead Country Band - Some Original Music - Online Family Band - Homeschool Music Program for Free :) Moving From the City to the Country - Raising Kids in the Country - Online Homeschool Edcuation Choice

Our Alternative Building Adventure . . .








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Our Education Adventure . . .

When we began our homeschooling adventure, we wanted a creative learning environment for our children. My husband is artistic and musically inclined. Although he is bright, and a successful Instructional Designer today, as a kid, his learning style conflicted with the educational system. We knew some of our children would be creatively bent, and creative kids seem to have the most difficulty in a traditional school system. ...Read More




















Recipes from Scratch



Calcium Supplements


Chocolate Milk


Mint Extract


Sprouted Refried Beans


Homemade Yogurt


Fennel Lotion


Homemade Cereal


Chocolate Ice Cream


Orange Smoothies


Holiday Chutney


Flat Bread/Pita


Rendering Lard







What We'd Do Differently on our Shop | Monthly Peek Ep404


What We'd Do Differently on our Shop

Completed Roof

This episode we complete the roof panels on our shop! The gals share their exciting new discoveries about the paver exterior & we go into detail on all the things we've learned so far. Thank you for watching & hanging out with us! :D ...Watch

Workshop Construction Shop Update | Monthly Peek Ep403


Workshop Construction Shop Update

Second Half

This episode, the guys tackle the second half of the hypderadobe/earthbag shop roof. These have new sets of challenges as they are longer than the other side. The gals make a huge discovery on the paver recipe for the exterior of the build using styrofoam! It's a relaxing, progress update episode we look forward to sharing with you! Wishing you & your family a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! ...Watch

How Not to Feed Chickens to Wildlife | Monthly Peek Ep402


How Not to Feed Chickens to Wildlife

Our Five Layer Protection Strategy

This video, episode 402 we setup & explain our multilayered strategy to protecting our flock from the wildlife. We have recently been acquiring more of our favorite farm animals & we want to set them up for success. If you have any tips or tricks to protecting your animals or if you'd like some ideas to defending yours, consider checking out & posting in the comments below. We would love for that space to become a place for folks to help each other. Protecting your animals is no easy task sometimes! Thank you so much. Have an amazing Thanksgiving! ...Watch

COMPLETED Earthbag Shop Roof Half! | Monthly Peek Ep400


Shop Build

COMPLETED Earthbag Shop Roof Half!

Hello! Thank you so much for tuning in & joining us for this successful episode where we tackle & complete the 1st half of the Hyperadobe shop roof. The ladies have a wrench thrown into their aircrete paver progress & come up with their own recipe. Pop some popcorn & get comfy for this fun show we hope leaves you with a smile :) ...Watch

Top Window Ridge FINISHED on Earthbag Shop | Monthly Peek Ep401


Earthbag Shop Build

Top Window Ridge FINISHED

This episode the guys measure, cut, grind, paint & weld the entire top window ridge for the second half of the roof on the hyperadobe shop! The gals have to rethink their paver formula & come up with a winning solution. It's video filled with our family, silly animals & creativity. Thanks for watching! ...Watch

Everything we're Doing to Stock Up & Invest in the Future on our Homestead | Monthly Peek Ep399


Everything we're Doing to Stock Up

Invest in the Future on our Homestead

This episode we take you on a journey as we prepare our Homestead for the bright future! We prep for a whole barn yard of animals & invest in the future by going plant crazy with our new abundant water. It's a whole new ballgame & we are having so much fun! ...Watch

Shop Roof Framework, More Panels & Aircrete! | Monthly Peek Ep398


Shop Roof Framework

More Panels & Aircrete!

This episode we tackle the hyperdobe earthbag shop roof framework with trusses & the main beam along with get more panels up in the air. The gals show a more in-depth process of the aircrete paver mold prep & so much more. Thank you very much for spending time with our family & joining us on our crazy homesteading adventure! ...Watch

Raising the Hyperadobe Shop Roof & 1st Level of Aircrete Pavers Complete! | Monthly Peek Ep398


1st Level of Aircrete Pavers Complete!

Raising the Hyperadobe Shop Roof

This episode is a labor of love. The guys tackle the earth bag shop roof like heroes & find great success! The gals celebrate completing the first level of air crete pavers & so much more! This is definitely an episode to gather the family or some friends for. Don't forget the popcorn! Thank you so much for being apart of our family. God bless! ...Watch

The Walls are UP! Completed Bagging & Blocking | Monthly Peek Ep396


The Walls are UP!

Completed Bagging & Blocking

Did we actually finish the bagging & blocking? Tune in to find out! We tackle more aircrete pavers, block the 2 outbuildings, tackle the rest of the Hyperadobe bags & train Bullet to heat our home for the winter! Thank you so much for letting us entertain you. God bless! ...Watch

Side Wall Complete on Hyperadobe Shop & NEW Furry Family Member! | Monthly Peek Ep395


Side Wall Complete on Hyperadobe Shop

NEW Furry Family Member!

This month we take you on a journey to complete the right side walls on the Hyperadobe earthbag shop, the ladies show a more in depth look at what they're up to with the aircrete pavers, we reveal a new member of the family & more! Merry Christmas & God Bless! ...Watch

Completed Lower Roof Trusses on Earthbag Shop | Monthly Peek Ep394


Completed Lower Roof Trusses on Earthbag Shop

Diving Back into the workshop

This month we dive back into the wood/machine hyperadobe shop build. We continue the aircrete hexgons, completed the lower trusses on the roof & try sheetrock mud on the inside walls. It's enjoyable to be back working on this neat building. Thanks for watching & God Bless! ...Watch

Discovering Abundant Water - Could these Water Wells help Africa and other Countries? | Monthly Peek Ep394


Discovering Abundant Water

Could these Water Wells help Africa and other Countries?

This is our conclusion to discovering abundant water in the desert by digging a primary water well. We cover the wild ride it took to get down there & our full assessment on if we felt there's anything to the research. We won't give away the details but we are very happy with the results. Thanks for watching & may you have an abundant day! ...Watch

Incredible Progress on Hyperadobe Shop & New Family Member! | Monthly Peek Ep393


Incredible Progress on Hyperadobe Shop

New Family Member!

We have a blast finding efficient ways to build our wall to new heights! Watch to join in on the fun & meet our newest four legged family member :) ...Watch

Hyperadobe Shop Walls, Trusses, Aricrete Hexagons & TinyShinyHome! | Peek Ep392


Hyperadobe Shop Walls, Trusses, Aricrete Hexagons


This episode we plunge back into the aricrete hexigon pavers we're installing on the hyperadobe wall exterior, Jared learns to weld as we put more of Garens homemade trusses up for the roof & the guys come together to lay more earthbag walls. We also take a trip to @TinyShinyHome to help them install a door on their latest project. We hope this video gives you a smile. Thanks & have a blessed Memorial Day :) ...Watch

Rock Base Completed, Trusses & Headers on Earthbag Shop | Peek Ep391


Rock Base Completed, Trusses & Headers on Earthbag Shop

More Shop Progress

This episode we complete the rock base around our hyperadobe shop! We also complete the prep for the countless trusses, reveal the overall design of the shop & it's roof along with building & installing the rest of the window headers. It's a full episode we truly hope you enjoy. Thanks so much for watching! ...Watch

Can We Bring Water Back to our Desert Homestead? | Peek Ep390


Can We Bring Water Back to our Desert Homestead?

Progress on Water Well Rig/Driller

We uncover interesting information about locating an abundant water supply. But, will it work? We need the antique percussion well digger working more than ever to find out. Join us as we discover more about the rig and the ground below it :) ...Watch

Special Announcement! Hyperadobe Shop Build Progress & RV Rescue! | Peek Ep389


Hyperadobe Shop Build Progress

RV Rescue

We're back! Join us as we share the work we've managed to do in our break. More fun progress on our earthbag mechine & wood shop along with a fun diversion to rescue our RV! We also share a special announcement. We sure appreciate you & look forward to entertaining you for years to come! :D ...Watch

Installing Electric Line, Water Pipe & Compressed Air | Weekly Peek Ep388


Installing Electric Line

Water Pipe & Compressed Air

Before the rain comes and fills in the trenches, we get busy installing electrical line, water pipes and compressed air for our earthbag shop. The installation on electricity is needed for the welder that Garen will soon use to construct the metal roofing structure. We will be taking a few weeks off but will be back the last Friday in February with the next Weekly Peek. We appreciate you and see you soon! ...Watch

We're Ditching This - Weekly Peek Ep387


We're Ditching This

Putting up the Truss Beams

Join us this week as we tackle more rock around the earthbag shop, prep & put up our first homemade roof truss & dig endless ditches for various things like power, water & sewage all wrapped up in a western theme. Special thank you to everyone who entered to win the puzzles! If you're interested in getting one, we'll have them available for sale in our shop in the next couple weeks! Thanks & have a lovely day! :D ...Watch

Rocking & Blocking with Bob Ross (Parody) - Weekly Peek Ep386



Blocking with Bob Ross (Parody)

The Earthbag Construction continues with rocking around the base. We enjoy the week with sprinkling Bob Ross narration while we block, measure and paint. Stay tuned as Bree explains how to win a puzzle. Hope you had an amazing first week of the new year :) ...Watch

Raising the Roof & Rocket Stove Upgrade - Weekly Peek Ep385


Raising the Roof

Rocket Stove Upgrade

Happy New Year!!! We celebrate by parading through the earthbag shop. The guys lift the roof off the toolshed in order to build the block walls higher and still have a cover for the tools! We continue rocking around the base of the hyperadobe building. The Rocket Stove inside the earth bag kitchen gets a modification and fresh paint! New Years Eve we will be live-streaming puzzles - men vs women! This year the puzzles are collages of the MyLittleHomestead artwork. We will be giving the puzzles away. If you are interested, stay tuned on how to win one. Have a wonderful celebration as we enter into a new year. Thanks for Watching. We appreciate you! ...Watch

Twas the Night Before Christmas but for Builders - Parody - Weekly Peek Ep384


Twas the Night Before Christmas but for Builders

Christmas Parody

Snow in the Desert! This week Gaming meets Earth Bag Building! The 4 corners of the shop are adjusted and welded in place on our earthbag shop build. Bryson performs magic on the skid steer tractor to get it running better than ever while the gals continue placing rocks and aircrete pavers onto the exterior walls. Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas Season! ...Watch

When Link Gets a Construction Job | Legend of Zelda Parody | Weekly Peek Ep383


When Link Gets a Construction Job

Legend of Zelda Parody

Snow in the Desert! This week Gaming meets Earth Bag Building! The 4 corners of the shop are adjusted and welded in place on our earthbag shop build. Bryson performs magic on the skid steer tractor to get it running better than ever while the gals continue placing rocks and aircrete pavers onto the exterior walls. Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas Season! ...Watch

Footings Complete! Gilligan's Island Parody | Earthbag Hyperadobe Construction | Weekly Peek Ep382


Footings Complete! Gilligan's Island Parody

Earthbag Hyperadobe Construction

The installation of the post footings are done. We bring in more metal posts and set the four corners of the hyperadobe shop. Meanwhile, the gals place several more aircrete hexagon pavers on the exterior walls. This week our theme is "Gilligan's Island", arranged by Gary and lyrics by Bree. We all joined in the fun of celebrating a show that Gary and Shelly enjoyed as kids. Hope you like it as much as we did putting it together. Have a great week! ...Watch

Only TinyShinyHome Can Solve This | Earthbag Hyperadobe Shop Construction | Weekly Peek Ep381


Only TinyShinyHome Can Solve This!

Earthbag Hyperadobe Shop Construction

Join us this week as we uncover a new episode full of aircrete, rocks & concrete footings. We test the aircrete pavers on the hyperadobe walls, Bryson fixes the little tractor so we can keep doing the rock base around the shop & the guys pull together to pour more concrete footings for the shop roof pillars! We also follow a mystery perhaps only @TinyShinyHome can solve! Thanks for watching & have a wonderful week! ...Watch

National Geographic Parody | Earthbag Hyperadobe Shop Construction | Weekly Peek Ep380


Shop Construction!

National Geographic Parody

Thanks to comments & ideas from you, we mix it up with “nature show” narration as we continue our earth bag shop building. The guys pour large concrete bases for 3 metal posts. These need to be level with the shop foundation as we prep for the installation of the roof. Meanwhile, the gals get more aircrete hexagons and rocks up on the exterior walls. Have a wonderful weekend. We hope you enjoy a fun twist to this weeks video :) ...Watch

If Only We Knew There Was an Access Door! | Earthbag Hyperadobe Shop Construction | Weekly Peek Ep379


If Only We Knew There Was an Access Door!

Earthbag Hyperadobe Shop Construction

A little bit of aircrete pavers, a little post/rafter plans, a little bit of bagging, a little bit of tractor skid steer work and a trip to see some amazing hot air balloons. We even get to help with the landing of the balloons! Join us as we plug away at our awesome shop build! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your friends and family. We hope it is the best one ever! ...Watch

Best Aircrete Method & Recipe Mix for Pavers! | Weekly Peek Ep378


Best Aircrete Method

Recipe Mix for Pavers!

Join us this week as we square our round building for the roof & share our newly discovered, best air-crete method & mix for wall pavers! Wishing you a lovely weekend :D ...Watch

Why We Don't Lay Pavers Alone - Earthbag Shop Construction | Weekly Peek Ep377


Why We Don't Lay Pavers Alone

Earthbag Shop Construction

Why we don't lay pavers alone? Bree jumps in to help keep us "in line" :) We get some awesome boulders over the other 2 windows and continue with the aircrete hexagons on the earth bag shop walls. Stay tuned as we share a couple new things we learned! We appreciate you! ...Watch

Our Last 5th Wheel Episode | Weekly Peek Ep376


Our Last 5th Wheel Episode

Working on Jared's Parents Camper

Jared's parents are itching to get their 5th wheel on the road! We paint the kitchen cabinets & wrestle a new fridge in. Join us as we get as much as we can in before they take the project home! ...Watch

Boulder Arch Over Earthbag Shop Windows | Weekly Peek Ep375


Boulder Arch Over Earthbag Shop Windows

Hexagon Walls

We get more aircrete hexagons poured & on the walls along with making progress on the hyperadobe bagging. We build & put up some headers and Mom gets her dream come true of rocks over the windows! ...Watch

Aircrete Pavers for Earthbag Shop Building! | Weekly Peek Ep374


Aircrete Pavers for Earthbag Shop Building!

More Walls

The aircrete pavers worked! Watch how they easily they attach to the walls for the future cladding. The guys get more earthbag/hyperadobe walls built and make room for imbedded rocks and a HUGE bottle. A little spray foam in the tire and our little tractor/riding lawnmower is on the road again. Have a wonderful Columbus Day! We appreciate you! ...Watch

Earthbag Shop Grows Quietly & Homemade Concrete Stepping Stones | Weekly Peek Ep373


Earthbag Shop Grows Quietly

Homemade Concrete Stepping Stones

Dad and Bryson builds more on the wall. Mom does some beautiful work in the back yard but wait that's not all, Bryson gives Skidder a make over and that's when things get quiet ...Watch

2 Rock Base Hills Complete & Hyperadobe Wall Progress on Shop | Weekly Peek Ep372


2 Rock Base Hills Complete

Hyperadobe Wall Progress on Shop

The gals roll up their sleeves & dive all in on the curvy rock base for the earthbag shop! They complete the first two whooptie-whoo's with several others well on their way to being done! The guys tackle the office/bathroom portion of the of the hyperadobe wall. Please grab a snack & get cozy for another relaxing episode with us! Thanks for watching! :) ...Watch

Building Rock Wall & Foundation for Hyperadobe Shop | Weekly Peek Ep371


Foundation for Hyperadobe Shop

Building Rock Wall

The guys shore up the little shop with a better foundation before the roof gets installed & the gals make there way around with the rock facade. Shelly makes a rocking decision with help from Bree :) Stay tuned for another week of moving forward on the Workshop! ...Watch

Rock Base Quest & Start on HUGE Hyperadobe Workshop | Weekly Peek Ep370


Rock Base Quest

Start on HUGE Hyperadobe Workshop

The gals launch into another phase on our earthbag workshop build with a fun approach to the base. Join us as we make great progress & have a great time doing it! It's an episode that's sure to rock your socks off! ...Watch

Building Earthbag Shop Walls | Weekly Peek Ep369


Earthbag Shop

Building The Walls

Join us as we build a bigger and taller earth bag hyperadobe shop! We learn a better way to lay the earthbags and Bryson does a small mod to the skid steer. Thanks for watching! ...Watch

Window Boxes & Electrical Installation in Earthbag Shop Build | Weekly Peek Ep368


Window Boxes

Electrical Installation in Earthbag Shop Build

Join us this week as we build the rest of the window boxes, create numerous cleats, do a bit of bagging then lay the electrical & install the window boxes! It's an episode we hope you enjoy! :D ...Watch

Construction Continues on the Earthbag Shop Build | Weekly Peek Ep367


Shop Build

Construction Continues on the Earthbag Shop

The Earth Bag shop building is coming along. The hyperadobe bags are fun to work with - they not only hold onions but sprouts as well! Have a wonderful weekend! Give this video a like, comment or share if you would like to help us out :) ...Watch

We Try Rug Tufting & Jared Builds a Desk with Resin Top! | Weekly Peek Ep366


We Try Rug Tufting

Jared Builds a Desk with Resin Top!

This week we jump in with both feet to tuft not one but two rugs! Jared decides to upgrade his computer area & builds a stunning desk which we top with a cheery resin pour. It's a delightful episode that's sure to leave you with a smile! Have a wonderful weekend. ...Watch

Desert Rats in Search of Water! | Weekly Peek Ep365


Desert Rats in Search of Water!

Water Where?

Mom & Dad take us on a water filled adventure this week with an artsy look into their trip to the northwest! They strike out on a quest to experience as many fun & beautiful places with water. Then get home & discover a flowing creek in the desert! It’s a fun, family filled episode that’s sure to leave you with smile ...Watch

Water well Driller! 71 Speed Star Ford Flathead Engine Will it Run? | Weekly Peek Ep364


Water well Driller!

71 Speed Star Ford Flathead Engine Will it Run?

Can we get the well engine running? It’s a Ford Flathead - not sure of the exact year - somewhere in the 1950s. Join us and we attempt to fire this baby up! Thanks for Watching! ...Watch

We Keep Making More Holes in this Rv | Weekly Peek Ep363


We Keep Making More Holes in this Rv

Small 5th Wheel Renovation

We're back working on this small 5th wheel renovation we're doing for Jared's parents! We keep finding new vents that need to be installed. Join us as we tackle that painting the bedroom area walls & cabinets for a fantastic reveal! ...Watch

Best House to Have in a Flood! | Weekly Peek Ep362


Best House to Have in a Flood!

New/old Houses that are a Bit Different then Must

what it would be like to live on the water! Discover the clever flood strategy and interesting foundations of floating homes! Houseboats are definitely fun alternative buildings. Have a wonderful weekend :) We appreciate you! ...Watch

White Wash RV laminate flooring FAIL | Weekly Peek Ep360


The Shop is Growing!

The Shop Build is Coming Along

People who live in the desert have to mow their lawn? We get some awesome clean up done plus the shop is growing along! ...Watch

White Wash RV laminate flooring FAIL | Weekly Peek Ep360


White Wash RV laminate flooring FAIL

The RV Build is Coming Along

Join us this week as we continue the renovation on Jared's parents 5th wheel! We tackle fiberglass patching a few holes on the exterior, Jared builds a step & we attempt to white wash the floor under the mattress area! It's a fun episode that's sure to leave you with a smile! :D ...Watch

Window Frames for Earthbag Shop Build | Weekly Peek Ep359


Window Frames for Earthbag Shop Build

Shop Build is Coming Along!

Our goal this week is to put in the window frames! As you can see, they are up! We continue the earth bag shop building with a quick trip to beautiful Page, AZ. Join us this week for our adventures! If you’re in the shopping mood, there is Free Shipping in the shop for the next few days. We appreciate you :) ...Watch

Jared's Parents Help Us Demo the RV! | Weekly Peek Ep358


Jared's Parents Help Us Demo the RV!

It's time for another AV!

Jared's parents join us this week as we dive into sealing up & demoing some of the RV. It's a fun little episode that's sure to fit into the cracks of your day. Have a wonderful Fathers Day weekend! ...Watch

Homemade Rebar Auger Bit & More Work on the Earthbag Shop Building! | Weekly Peek Ep357


Homemade Rebar Auger Bit!

More Work on the Earthbag Shop Building!

Beefing up the auger bit to keep it from continually breaking. The earth bag (hyperadobe) walls are growing for the shop as we find new ways to improve our ...Watch

Complete Transformation of a Garage Sale Bed Frame | Weekly Peek Ep356


Complete Transformation of a Garage Sale Bed Frame

Painting a Sunflower

Join us this week as we take a queen bed we found at a garage sale & transform it into something special for our earth bag bedroom! ...Watch

Laying Earthbags with Custom Skid-Steer Attachment! | Weekly Peek Ep355


Laying Earthbags with Custom Skid-Steer Attachment

Earthbag Shop Build

This episode will knock your wheel off ;) We lay earth bags as we continue the hyperadobe shop build. Have a great Memorial Day Weekend! ...Watch

Skid Steer Attachment Upgrade & Building Window Boxes for Earthbag Shop Build | Weekly Peek Ep354


Skid Steer Attachment Upgrade

Building Window Boxes for Earthbag Shop Build

Another fun diy enhancement to improve our tractor bucket system for the Earth Bag Shop Building. Dad builds the window frames in advance to prepare for the growing walls. Thanks for watching and enjoy the rest of your week! ...Watch

Taking Dirt to New Heights & Skid Steer Makeover! | Weekly Peek Ep353


Skid Steer Makeover!

Taking Dirt to New Heights

Dad does a grate job taking our dirt consistency to new heights. Jared gives the Skid Steer a makeover & the guys get a new toy with an unexpected function! It's an episode that surprises us! ...Watch

Wall Build by Skid Steer! | Weekly Peek Ep352


Starting the walls!

Wall Build by Skid Steer!

With the Skid Steer modified with a bag (cement mixer) attachment, it’s time to see if it works! Please like, subscribe and share! We appreciate you! ...Watch

Auto Bagger Skid Steer Bucket Attachment FIX! | Weekly Peek Ep351


A NEW Look for the Skid Steer

Auto Bagger Skid Steer Bucket Attachment FIX!

We left you on a cliff hanger last episode. Join us this week as we not only fix the Skid Steer bagger attachment but make it BETTER using your wonderful suggestions! It's a satisfying episode that's sure to leave you with a smile! :) ...Watch

Skid Steer Earth Bag Machine Build Take 1 | Weekly Peek Ep350


Skid Steer Earth Bag Machine Build

Take One

Bryson launches into converting the skid steer bucket into a cement mixer/earthbag filler. Like all projects, we start out very optimistic and then reality hits... ...Watch

Completing the Block Wall w/ Bottle Window on Shop Build! | Weekly Peek Ep349


Completing the Block Wall

Bottle Window on Shop Build

Mom, Jared & Bree roll up their sleeves & complete the block wall for the shop build! No structure is complete around here without ...Watch

Garage Door Headers/Frame Doorway for the Shop Build! | Weekly Peek Ep348


Garage Door Headers/Frame Doorway

Shop Build

Woohoo! The massive headers and frames for the future garage/shop doors are in! And! The hyper adobe bags arrived & if you missed it, we did a livestream of the first earthbag laid (see below). Join us this week as we continue our fun shop build! Have an excellent weekend! We appreciate you :) ...Watch

Swallowed by Our New Project | Weekly Peek Ep347


Swallowed by Our New Project

RV Renovation

Join us this week as we get swallowed by our new project. A new RV renovation of the cutest little 5th wheel for Jared's Mom & Dad. We replace ceiling fans & give the roof a compete overhaul. Thanks for watching & have an amazing weekend! ...Watch

Installing Posts for the Shop Build! | Weekly Peek Ep346


Getting ready for bagging

Installing Posts for the Shop Build!

Before building our earthbag (super-adobe) walls, we install posts & dig a trench. Watch to see the skid steer tractor move these monster posts into...Watch

Concrete Foundation Pour for the Shop Build! | Weekly Peek Ep345


Its a Pour job

Concrete Foundation Pour for the Shop Build!

Yahoo! We had a blast watching this pour live with you last Saturday. Here's the...Watch

Special Announcement & DIY Distilled Water | Weekly Peek Ep344


Special Announcement

DIY Distilled Water

Stayed tuned for a special announcement :) Afterwards, watch as...Watch

Curvy Forms for Concrete Floor in Shop Build | Weekly Peek Ep343


Concrete Floor

Curvy Forms for Concrete Floor in Shop Build

It's another exciting Friday! Join us as we tackle the forms for our shop build...Watch

Utility Rough on our Shop Build | Weekly Peek Ep342


Vacuum System?

Utility Rough-In for our Shop Build

This week we get the pipes in and rough out the areas for different utilities that we...Watch

Leveling Ground for the Massive Workshop! | Weekly Peek Ep341


Level up!

Leveling Ground for the Massive Workshop!

Join us as we roll into the first foundation level for our workshop build! We break out...Watch

Fixing a Foundation for New Shop


Feeling Rock Solid?

Fixing a Foundation for New Shop

The first thing we need to do for the new shop build is to fix the foundation under the two...Watch

Installing a Dishwasher after Over 15 Years


Clean Dishes?

Installing a Dishwasher after Over 15 Years

The family finally breaks down & buys a dishwasher after over 15 years of not having one. It's a kitchen upgrade that brings us into the...Watch


Van Conversion Update

Best Running Water Solution For A Conversion Van

This week, with no lack of obstacles, Garen succeeds in getting running water in our camper conversion Van!...Watch


No More Barn? & More

Hoop Barn Gone!! Shop Plans

Gary goes over the new plan for the shop. We fill in the details and behind the scenes of taking down the hoop barn. How many slabs were hidden under the hoops? Does Bryson really take ALL his cans into the recycle? Watch the excitement build to making our new shop a reality :) We appreciate you! Hope you are having a great Holiday season!...Watch


Walk and Talk & More

Walkthrough Earthbag Homes ft Green Dream, Tiny Shiny Home & Upside of Downsizing

Join us as we give Green Dream Project, Tiny Shiny Home, Upside of Downsizing and YOU a walk-thru tour of the earth bag builds on the homestead! Get an inside look into how everything is holding up over the years :) Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving!...Watch

It Begins Prep to Build our Dream Shop! | Weekly Peek Ep335


Building the Shop & More

It Begins Prep to Build our Dream Shop!

What is a dream come true for you? For me its starting the work on that dream. When you have lots of projects it feels sometimes like you will never get to your...Watch

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Reaching New Heights with Free Scrap Metal!!! | Install Solar DIY Conv  Van | Weekly Peek Ep334


Van Ladder! & More

Reaching New Heights with Free Scrap Metal!!! | Install Solar DIY Conv Van

Garen continues the process of mounting a solar system on the conversion Van. Once that’s in place he builds an epic ladder to create access to the storage rack built in...Watch

Turning $18 Wedding Dress into $2500 One | Weekly Peek Ep332


Awesome Shed! & More

Stunning Walk-Thru of Solar Shed!! | Tiny Shiny Home Finish Solar Building Visit

Tiny Shiny Home graciously invites us out to their homestead again, this time to view their...Watch

Turning $18 Wedding Dress into $2500 One | Weekly Peek Ep332


Wedding! & More

Turning $18 Wedding Dress into $2500 One

Shae gets busy with family & friends to make a homemade wedding dress while...Watch

Turning Pipe into Roof Rack! | Weekly Peek Ep331


Van Rack & More

Turning Pipe into Roof Rack!

Garen and Ellie continue on their Van conversion, moving to some work on the outside. (A break from pallets!) They head to...Watch

4 Best Kept Secret Utah Destinations! | Weekly Peek Ep330


Utah & More

4 Best Kept Secret Utah Destinations!

We travel across this beautiful state to see some top places to visit in Utah. We explore giant homemade kilns in the ruins of an abandoned boom town, meet the father of...Watch

Aircrete/Concrete Patio Done! | Weekly Peek Ep329


All done & More

Aircrete/Concrete Patio Done!

We complete the finishing touches to our DIY aircrete/foamcrete/concrete patio build. It is a nice shady addition to the courtyard and we are...Watch

Cave Houses - Homes Built Into Giant Rock Walkthrough | Weekly Peek Ep327


Vans Cooler & More

Installing Rear AC System Into The Conversion Van

Garen and Ellie continue on their conversion Van by adding in the rear duct work in order to have ac above the back seat. Once installed...Watch

Cave Houses - Homes Built Into Giant Rock Walkthrough | Weekly Peek Ep327


Rock Homes & More

Cave Houses - Homes Built Into Giant Rock Walkthrough

Join Bree & Jared as we walk through a neighborhood of homes built into the side of a giant rock! Each house is a unique expression of the family living within. We see...Watch

Aircrete Finishing & Sheeting Patio | Weekly Peek Ep326


A New Look & More

Aircrete Finishing & Sheeting Patio

Watch as we find ways to finish the rough texture of the aircrete rafters, beams & metal studs on our...Watch

Building A 2nd Butcher Block Counter Top For Our Conversion Van | Weekly Peek Ep325


Wood Counter DIY & More

Building A 2nd Butcher Block Counter Top For Our Conversion Van

This week in our Conversion Van project we build a butcher block countertop made from recycled pallet wood.  We want to have the ability to cook inside so we...Watch

Installing Aircrete Rafters for Patio Build | Weekly Peek Ep323


Desert Cabin!& More

Natural Fridge Inside 1896 Cabin in Death Valley Desert

Join Bree & Jared as Grandma takes them to Ash Meadows in the Mojave Desert’s Death Valley. We explore the...Watch

Installing Aircrete Rafters for Patio Build | Weekly Peek Ep323


Air Rafters? & More

Installing Aircrete Rafters for Patio Build

The aircrete rafters have been curing for a couple weeks so it's now time to install them. Foamcrete has proved to be both challenging and fun! Watch this week as...Watch

Interior Stucco On The Earthbag Cabin | Weekly Peek Ep322


Earthbag Cabin! & More

Interior Stucco On The Earthbag Cabin

Join us as we take the RV out on its official maiden voyage to the cabin in the woods! The family tackles a fun upgrade to the...Watch

Cabin Outhouse Hand Washing Station | Weekly Peek Ep321


In woods! & More

Cabin Outhouse Hand Washing Station

Join us as we take the RV out on its official maiden voyage to the cabin in the woods! The family tackles a fun upgrade to the...Watch

Petroglyphs, Rv Curtains & Shae's 21st Birthday! | Weekly Peek Ep320


Rocks? & More

Petroglyphs, Rv Curtains & Shae's 21st Birthday!

To help Bree and Jared finish the final touches on their RV Shae makes some curtains before heading off to Laughlin to celebrate her...Watch

Building Aircrete Rafters & Center Beam | Weekly Peek Ep319


Will it work? & More

Building Aircrete Rafters & Center Beam

Bryson and Gary have fun making more foamcrete for the Patio Build. This time they experiment with a new foaming agent and pour a center beam in...Watch

Finishing the RV Renovation | Weekly Peek Ep317


A Cooler Van! & More

Concealing A 12v Cooler In Our Conversion Van

Last time on the conversion Van, Garen and Ellie built a cabinet frame around their new 12 volt cooler. Join them as they put it on some sliders to hide it away and try their hand at some drawers for...Watch

Finishing the RV Renovation | Weekly Peek Ep317


RV is done! & More

Finishing the RV Renovation

Jared & Bree finish the 5th Wheel renovation! Wow! From new floors, completing the bathroom with fresh epoxy paint on the sink & shower, polishing...Watch

Moving Back To The Homestead! | Weekly Peek Ep316


Shae's Back? & More

Moving Back To The Homestead!

This week we get to watch the Shaenami whirl from the city back to the country. Moving back...Watch

Driving the Old 1957 GMC Truck Water Well Drilling Rig | Weekly Peek Ep315


Truck Work & More

Driving the Old 1957 GMC Truck Water Well Drilling Rig

Bryson finds the oil fill plug on the differential. You know this truck is vintage. You know what else is antique? The differential oil and the transmission...Watch

Refrigerator Solution For The Van | Weekly Peek Ep314


Van Work & More

Refrigerator Solution For The Van

Garen and Ellie find a refrigerator option for the camper conversion Van. One small problem, it needs a place to be stored! They set out to...Watch

1910 Historic Homestead - Bree & Jared Visit Slide Rock Park | Weekly Peek Ep313


Homestead & More

1910 Historic Homestead - Bree & Jared Visit Slide Rock Park

Jared & Bree hop in the truck & embark on a journey to Sedona Arizona visiting Slide Rock Park’s famous homestead & apple orchard farm. Let’s discover together Frank Pendley’s can...Watch

Building Foamcrete Ridge For Outdoor Patio Cover & Aircrete Rafters | Weekly Peek Ep311


Roof Work & More

Dry Rot Repair, Roof Patching & Painting with the Family

This week the whole family goes up to help Shae and Skylar finish their projects around the house. With new wood panels to fix the patio cover, painting, roof patching and much more. The family has their work cut out for...Watch

Building Foamcrete Ridge For Outdoor Patio Cover & Aircrete Rafters | Weekly Peek Ep311


Van Work & More

Building Foamcrete Ridge For Outdoor Patio Cover & Aircrete Rafters

We start to explore the limits of Aircrete. Is it possible to make a roof? Gary has done all the math and so far it looks like it’s possible. There is only one way to find out. Let’s start the...Watch

Completing The Bed In Our Conversion Van | Weekly Peek Ep310


Van Work & More

Completing The Bed In Our Conversion Van

Join us as we finalize the storage cabinet under the rear seat as well as complete the bed in our Camper Conversion Van...Watch

Custom RV Window Trim & Bathroom Cabinet Distress Paint | Weekly Peek Ep309


Window Trim & More

Custom RV Window Trim & Bathroom Cabinet Distress Paint

Join us for another lively 5th wheel renovation episode! Jared crafts beautiful barn inspired window trim out of reclaimed pallet wood & Bree sets her...Watch

Desert Plants, Monsoons & Beautifying! | Weekly Peek Ep308


House Beauifying & More

Desert Plants, Monsoons & Beautifying!

This week Shae and Skylar continue their yard work. Saving our desert mesquite from parasites, exploring the...Watch

Install Push Rods on 1957 GMC 450 Water Well Drilling Rig | Weekly Peek Ep307


Well Drill Update & More

Install Push Rods on 1957 GMC 450 Water Well Drilling Rig

In this video Bryson replaces the bent push rods on the old GMC water well drilling truck engine. He ends up...Watch

Building A Storage Cabinet Under The Back Seat In A Conversion Van | Weekly Peek Ep306


Van Building & More

Building A Storage Cabinet Under The Back Seat In A Conversion Van

Garen and Ellie build a storage box out of scrap wood and pallets in...Watch

RV Kitchen Countertop Refinish, Trim & Ceiling Paint | Weekly Peek Ep305


RV Build & More

RV Kitchen Countertop Refinish, Trim & Ceiling Paint

Bree & Jared are back in the Weekly Peek saddle! They kick off their return with redoing the kitchen countertops & paining the ceiling!...Watch

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