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New Baby Bunny Kits - Raised in a somewhat free ranging environment (enclosed enough to keep them safe :)

Homemade Camping Toilet

DIY OutHouse

While preparing to “rough it” in the woods for 9 days, we decided to browse the web to find out how to make a camping toilet. We found lots of great toities! Inspired by all the great ideas, we designed this toilet for comfort and balance. Check it out:












The outhouse was a definite success on our camping trip. As you can see from the last video clip, we used it for an outdoor shower as well. The enclosure was set up around a tree with the shower bucket attached high onto a branch. There was plenty of room for both the shower and the toilet.


We had very little wind so we did not have to stake the bottom of the enclosure. It sat nicely on the ground and kept the tarp from blowing into the occupant inside.


Naming the Toilet

Thanks to the movie, RV, it is unfortunately known as “the crapper”.


Happy Camping!

September 2014