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Earthbag Cabin Stucco Finish, Kitchen Cabinet Construction & Aquaponics Build | Weekly Peek Ep190

Cabin, Aquaponics & Kichen Cabinet







Earthbag Cabin Stucco Finish, Kitchen Cabinet Construction & Aquaponics Build

Garen & Ellie get the exterior stucco finished up and are ready to move onto painting. Yahoo! We are ready to pick up where we left off with the kitchen cabinets. Gary is hard at work building the cabinet frames, doors and drawers! The aquaponics system is coming together with Bryson at the helm. We had a wonderful hand lotion recipe sent to us from Karen, so be sure to check out the instructions below. As always, thanks for watching and have a great week!





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Hand Lotion Recipe from Karen Vandevander (Thanks Karen!)
Ingredients: (Used Family Dollar Brands if you can get them)
13 oz pure petroleum jelly (vaseline) ( I use a tube of Vaseline Jelly and a tube of Vaseline Cream with Shea Butter to total 13 oz, or close to it)
15 or16 oz baby lotion (not oil)
16 oz vitamin e cream (not lotion) - my Family Dollar carries this and it's a really good deal Aloe Vera Gel, clear not green (14 -16 oz bottle)
Directions: Put all the ingredients into a good size mixing bowl that you're no longer going to use for cooking (buy one at the dollar store) and mix with a hand mixer until well combined and smooth. Portion the lotion into glass jars with plastic lids and use away. This makes a really nice gift too. Anyone I've ever given this to loves it and either wants more or the recipe.


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June 21, 2019










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