Fennel Lotion Recipe
We read at article called, “A fluke revolutionized milking time,” in the Nov/Dec 2007 Countryside magazine (page 63). The article contained the recipe for making fennel cream for goats with Mastitis but the dairy goat farmer, Jane Hinrichs, described how it also caused the milking goat to let her milk down and milk out easier. We tried it
and it worked great!(see The Art of Goat Milking.)
It is easy to make. We usually make a large batch and it lasts for months. This is how it's made:
12 Ounces liquid oil (olive, peanut, safflower, or vegetable oil)
6 Ounces Coconut Oil
2 Ounces of Beeswax
18 Ounces of Distilled Water
4 Tsp of Fennel Essential Oil
10 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE)
1. Put liquid oil, Coconut Oil and Beeswax in Microwave safe bowl (saucepan if you are using an oven)
2. Heat until melted (it takes us about 7 minutes in the microwave)
3. After its melted, let it cool (15 minutes or so ‘cause its REALLY hot)
4. Add the Fennel Oil, GSE, and water
5. It will start to Coagulate, mix until it looks like lotion (we use a hand mixer)
6.. Pour into containers.
This keeps the goat udders soft and healthy along with our hands. :)
Chef Shae
February 2013