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How We Built a LandSailer

How does a Landsailer Work?

The land sailer is pushed by the wind. It has a sail much like one on a windsurfer. However, the person on the land cart has a much different fall…


It has three wheels on it just like a three wheeler but with one difference. It's powered by the wind not an engine.


Building a Land Sailor

Finding the materials was the hardiest part of this building project. We have a large metal scrap pile that takes time to find all the bits and peices. My brother and I have lots of fun building weird moving things.


The frame is made out of square piping and the sail mast is made using a 12 foot round pipe. For the sail material, we used a billboard tarp. You can also use regular blue tarp but it's not made to take much stress and will rip after awhile. If your out in the middle of the desert and your sail rips, causing you to push it home, you've got a problem.


We used an old bike for steering. Rope and pulleys are used to control the sail.


If you want to see how we built it you can watch the video :)




Bryson :)

March 2014