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Some Popular Videos
earth bag homes walk-thru Cheap Building Expenses under $3000

Walk Thru Our First Earth Bag Construction Project!

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Earthbag Interior with Rocket Stove


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Rocket Stove Mass Heater



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Bryson's Earthbag Room - Step By Step

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Super Adobe Structure



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Earthbag House



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Homemade Self Watering Container

Homemade Egg Incubator



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Simple Homemade Go-Cart



Homemade Soil Cement



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Simple Solar Food Dryer



DIY Outdoor Shower



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Self Watering Container with Tires


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Homemade GOAT Kart



MrOffandOn How to Install a Trailer Leaf Spring

After using our trailer twice a week to haul water, our leaf spring gave out and broke in two. Here’s how we installed a new one. It’s a pretty straight forward, easy fix. The trailer leaf spring cost around $30 ...Watch

MrOffandOn How to Replace a Serpentine Belt & Tensioner Pulley

Here’s how we replaced our serpentine belt and tensioner pulley on our 2000 Dodge Ram Truck.



Ab food 19

Slow_Silver Installing a Sub & I BROKE MY NEW CAR!!!

I just got this 1992 Honda Civic Hatchback DX. Decided it needed a Subwoofer so me & my bro get to figuring out how to install it :P Not an easy task but the car is built for it. Was a pleasant surprise. My radio tho? R.I.P. ...Watch

MrOffandOn How to Replace a Valve Cover Gasket

We replaced our valve cover gasket on our 2001 Saturn L300. We did the work on this over 6 months ago and it's still running strong without any leaks.



Install 24V Solar Panel

ALT ENERGY Solar Off Grid System Purchase & Install

Solar Panel Shopping

Join us on our adventure to find & install a solar off grid system for Garen's Room. ...Watch


Ab food 19

Slow_Silver Earthbag Cabin Building

Slow_Silver (a.k.a. Bree) vlogs about our cabin building up in the mountains. We are using our favorite building material, Superadobe/Earthbags. Everyone is working hard and paying little attention to the camera as Bree runs around filming what she can :)



Ab food 19

Slow_Silver Don't Spill the Beans!

Slow_Silver (a.k.a. Bree) takes on a job at a local Mexican restaurant and finds herself in an unpleasant situation. Hear her tell her side of the story.



DIY Simple Homemade DE Toothpaste

To avoid fluoride, Shae and I have been using homemade clay toothpaste for the past year. We have tried different combinations of ingredients & recipes. By changing the main ingredient, clay, to DE (diatomaceous earth), we found a recipe we enjoy and wanted to share. ...Watch

ScienceMadeFunner How to Replace Shocks on a Farm Truck

Two videos describing how to replace front and back shocks on a 2000 Dodge Ram 2500 2wd truck ...Watch

BUILDING Pig Pen & Rehoming a Heritage Hog

Pigs Pigs Pigs!

Not just one but eight! This meant a much needed Pig Pen so we got to work building one with an organic shape. We came across loads and loads (no really, 20 trailer loads) of heavy concrete blocks last month. Most of the block will be used for fencing around the courtyard but we had a few to spare for the pig pen. ...Watch


BOOK My Lack of Tal

This is an original story I’m in the process of writing. I would love comments and encouragement! ...Read


Shae Tessa :D

DIY Homemade Calcium Supplements

Bryson bumped into some info on how to get strong, clean eggs every time from our hens by feeding them a little Diatomaceous Earth (DE). Coincidently, our neighbor vicky gave us a great tip on how to make use of our eggshells. ...Watch

STUDY To Cure Peanut Allergies

Here's a delightful story by the Australian Associated Press reporting on a study that is "transforming the lives" of children with peanut allergies. ...Read More

ROCKET MASS HEATER Rocket Stove Review & Update

We are going on our third winter of using our bench style rocket stove and thought we would do a quick review on it ...Watch


ScienceMadeFunner How to Build a Worm Farm

I built a Worm Farm for a science project. I wanted to see how they could break down different types of food. I like seeing the different types of worms and watching them move ...Watch



Vitamin D More Effective Than Flu Shot!

Miss getting a flu shot this year? Or maybe you're like us and never get one. All is not lost as Vitamin D is proven to be more effective at fighting the Flu. ...Read More


McDonalds cheeseburger & Taco Bell taco virtually unchanged after 2 years of sitting on the counter. ...Read More


And here’s a hamburger 14 years later. ...Watch & Read More


One more because we can :) ...Read More

CHRISTMAS IDEA A Tree Using No Floor Space :)

For all the years living in small quarters, we’ve always managed to find room for that all important Christmas Tree. The first Christmas at the property, we lived in a 24’ trailer. We put an artificial tree outside the RV next to the dining room window, decorated and lit it up. The kids were all little and everything was so exciting. That evening we sat down, enjoying the twinkling lights outside the window, when it suddenly fell straight down in a whoosh. We jumped up only to discover the donkey had taken a big bite out of it. In the desert anything green looks tempting to animals even if it’s fake :)


This year nearly “stumped” us. We tried everything from rearranging the furniture to throwing out what we didn’t need. Bryson suggested hanging it from the ceiling but it seemed a bit extreme.


Here’s what we came up with ...Watch

Organic Herbal Mint Extract

WATCH "O Christmas Tree" Cover

Bree put together a remake of the traditional song, O Christmas Tree. Shae and Bree perform the song in this video which is also available for download on itunes ...See More


By Dr. Mercola

If you haven’t had a heart attack, step away from the aspirin bottle… If you are one of the 40 million Americans who take an aspirin every day, you may want to heed the latest warning from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ...Read More


No more climbing the ladder every night up to his loft. Garen is all moved in and snug as a bug in his new room. Here are some new and improved ideas including an in-floor rocket stove, a construction paper floor, and a new twist on the pallet ceiling. ...Watch

EGG YOKES Store Bought Vs. Farm Fresh

Here is a picture of our frying pan displaying both store bought eggs & eggs from our chickens (our hens are laying only a few eggs now that winter has kicked in). Sometimes we take for granite the nutrition we receive from eating our own farm foods. This was a healthy reminder while cooking breakfast yesterday :)

SUNSHINE STUDY Skin Cancer or Weight Loss?

Do we use sunblock to protect ourselves from the sun's ultraviolet rays or allow the uv rays to help regulate our metabolism?


We haven't used sunscreen in years because we don't believe the sun is harmful (unless we severely burn but then it's pretty obvious). This new research makes me wonder how many more benefits the sunshine produces that scientists have yet to discover.


Hopefully this new study will encourage all of us to get out and enjoy the sun! ...Read More

Anthidium February 2008-1

OUCH! Monsanto Gets Stung

Can you "beeeeelive it"? I guess they didn't pay off enough politicians in Mexico. Did I say that out loud? ...Read More


Time Flies When Your Having Fun

We are wrapping up the last of Garen's bedroom. And, not a moment too soon as he is graduating next month. Time slips away so quickly. The biggest lesson we have learned from this bedroom project is that we cannot delay. The kids refuse to stop getting older!


Here is the building of the bedroom: ...Watch

HOW TO Homemade Camping Toilet

While preparing to “rough it” in the woods for 9 days, we decided to browse the web to find out how to make a camping toilet. We found lots of great toities! Inspired by all the great ideas, we designed this toilet for comfort and balance. Check it out: ...Watch


Monsoon Flash Flood We Call it Washboarding :)

This year the wash took an unusual turn up stream and cut a new path down our road. We welcome the water any way we can get it and wish we could keep it from running away.


These "once a year" rainstorms bring excitement to everyone. I'm sure this breaks every rule of what one should NOT do in a wash but teenagers are living, breathing, rule breakers. How do you say no to something that looks so fun:



WATCH Killer Bee Hive Found on Property!

Save the Bees or Save Ourselves?

When Bryson discovers a beehive on our property, he has to make a decision on what to do with it. The last thing he wants to do is destroy the bees, but with the fear of them being “Africanized”, even the experts advise killing them....Watch


MrOffandOn DIY Free And Easy AC Compressor Fix

This is how to fix an AC that blows cold air for 10 to 15 minutes before it turns warm. It is completely free and takes little effort. We did this on a Dodge 5.9 liter engine, but it should work on almost any vehicle ...Watch


High Rise Gardening

WATCH Documenting the First 24 Days of a Bunny

We found this bunny nest out in an open area so we decided to document the growth of the babies. The litter quickly dispersed but we were able to keep track of the brown kits due to their unique colors. Everyday we found them in completely different places - as early as day two! I have to say I’m quite amazed of the growth within 3 1/2 weeks. See for yourself ...Watch


OH NO Killer Bees!

What to do? Kill 'em or Keep 'em? Killer Bees that kill with one sting or does it take 12,000? What about all the bees dying off? Do we contribute to their diminishing numbers? Stay tuned and we will take you through our journey of dealing with this "Killer Bee" hive found on our property. ...Video Coming Soon!


Organic Herbal Mint Extract

WATCH 2nd try at 4th of July

Here are some highlights from this years 4th of July performance. A special thanks to Mom/Grandma for videoing all the songs on her iPhone! Without her, this video would not be possible. ...See More

IDEA Combining Hugelkultur with Berms & Basins

For those who don’t know about our water dilemma, our well has been virtually dry for about a year. We get some water but it is not enough to sustain the family. We haul in about 1200 gallons of water every week.


To No Avail

We spent months working to get a pvc type well drill to bore down a few more feet but were not successful. We have additional plans to vastly improve that idea with some REAL power. More on that later. ...Read More


DIY Grow Your Own Celery Starts!

We are rapidly turning into summer here where we live, and a sure indication is the start of all the gardening efforts visible. Take for example the “sugar pea” plant that has started and is about an inch high, or the cantaloupe vine with its first blossom making its presence (already).


But that’s not what I wanta chat about today. I heard that you could do something with a normal household food, something that’s available year round. Guess what it is. (Oh, OK -- I know, you already read the title). ...Read More


MrOffandOn Removing a Tight Harmonic Balancer Bolt

The harmonic balancer bolt is a very difficult bolt to get off. It is hard to keep the crankshaft form turning when you are trying to brake the bolt loose. This is my solution to the problem. BEWARE. DO AT YOUR OWN RISK. ...Watch


NEW STUDY Now We're Told Sunscreen doesn't Prevent Skin Cancer!

When Common Sense Makes the Most Sense

When my children were small, I wondered why I'd ever rub a chemical laden lotion on them and allow the sun to bake it into their porous skin. My kids wore hats and swim shirts to keep from getting burnt (which was not the most successful accomplishment in our lives). Sunscreen has only been around for less than 50 years. I'm more suspicious of sunscreen actually being the cause of skin cancer than I am of the sun. But, while we wait for studies to catch up with common sense ;) here's the latest scoop on sunscreen ...Read More


SCRIBLS Bennu's Story Chapter 1

Check out my new video!! It contains an original story I wrote :) The the tale is about a girl named Bennu and it's based on Egyptian Mythology!! ...Watch


High Rise Gardening

FLASHBACK Outdoor Shower with Solar Hot Water & Solar Lights for Cheap

We added another enhancement to our outdoor shower. Solar lights! These things are only 99 cents and they make perfect night lights for showering after dark. Now we don't have to worry about stepping on those scorpions or snakes! We bought several to circle the shower area and wired each one to the tops of the mesquite poles. It lights up just enough to see everything including the floor where those night creatures lurk.


One of the first building projects around here was our outdoor shower. It's a necessity for living in the baking hot summers of the Southwest. And, if you have ever longed to play in the sprinklers as an adult, here's how to do so in a dignified way. These videos show the progressive building of our outdoor shower in reverse order ...Watch


High Rise Gardening

DIY Earthbag Patio with a Paper Bag Floor

When we first heard about Paper Bag floors, we were intrigued. We love the look as it has an appearance of a marble floor. However, the information available online was for interior floors. Watch how we installed an outdoor earth bag patio and topped it with a paper bag floor ...Watch



COCA COLA "It's the Real Thing"

Real Cleaning Product That Is!

After 15 years of not purchasing Coca Cola, it's time to add it to the grocery list. The guys need something to clean that oil off the engines and garage floor. Check out 20 Practical uses for Coke! ...Read More


Fermented Chicken Feed

IDEA Homemade Air Conditioner

This is the next small project on the list. Fans are our main source of cooling in the summer so this idea makes perfect sense for us. Do air conditioners give people headaches? They give me one ...maybe this is just the cure for it. Time to hit the garage sales and find some parts :) ...Watch



Wild Sunflower with Multiple Heads Gardening

SPRINGTIME First One of the Season!

Where a Flower Lies, More Will Rise

Last year we had one sunflower plant that spontaneously grew in our greywater area. We were thrilled as these flowers make us smile. When the flower seeded, we shook the plant in hopes more would grow this season. We must have 50 sunflower plants within a 4 foot square area! These annual flowers are the wild variety so they have multiple small heads growing off of each stalk. This is the picture of the first one to bloom. These sunflowers are sure to delight us all summer long!


Underground Greenhouse

IDEA Underground Greenhouse

Here's a small article from Natural News on the benefits of an underground greenhouse and building one for around $300. ...Check it out!


High Rise Gardening

ORGANIC GARDENING Simple Chicken & Rabbit Tractor/Weeder

Utilizing the Natural Abilities of Small Farm Animals

It’s that time of year again to put those chickens and rabbits to work! Here’s a video of a Simple Chicken and Rabbit Tractor/Weeder....Watch


High Rise Gardening

HOW TO Build a Cheap Goat Mineral Feeder

How to build a mineral feeder for your goats, the things you need...



5 ft of 4 1/2" polystyrene drain pipe

4 1/2" end cap

4 1/2" 135º elbow

4 1/2" 90º elbow

pipe clue

hand saw


That's it for things you need. Now on to how to build :) ...Read More


High Rise Gardening

FLASHBACK Tomato Starts using Clamshell Greenhouse

We used this method last year and it worked so well, we are at it again. Same results but not growing so many this time!!!. ...Read & watch


High Rise Gardening


Provide housing for all those beneficial insects!


Check out all the creative insect accommodations made by gardeners around the world. ...See Pics


High Rise Gardening

IDEAS Growing Green Onions

We picked up a bag of starter onions. But, right before we planted them using a hugelkultur technique, we came across some new, interesting ideas. Here’s a plastic bottle with onions growing out of all sides: .../growing-onions-vertically-on-the-windowsill


And another using only a glass of water: .../how-to-grow-green-onions-indefinitely


With all these fun ideas we’re not sure which one to try. We will have to do them all and post a video of our results :)

High Rise Gardening

THANK YOU Free T-Shirt Giveaway

We are not only reaching a milestone of 10,000 subscribers, but this is also our 100th Youtube video. We cannot even begin to express our gratitude for all the nice comments and support. Thank-You, Thank-You, Thank-You from the bottom of our hearts....Read More


High Rise Gardening

PROJECT Two Trucks in One!

Combining a 2000 Dodge Magnum 1500 Truck 5.9 Liter to a Dodge Magnum 2500 Truck of the Same Year


After many years of driving on our dirt road, the frame of our 1500 Dodge Magnum truck was falling apart. We found a 2500 Dodge Magnum with a good frame but a bad engine. We decided to combine both trucks to make one (they have the same engine). After we had it hauled to the house, we started the swap.....See Pics


High Rise Gardening

FLASHBACK Easy Homemade Chocolate Milk

All Natural with No Additives or Preservatives

I started making this when I was really young and still make it the same way. I also use it for my coffee creamer. It makes a great mocha....Watch


WATCH Bryson & Garen Build a LandSailer

How does a Landsailer Work?

The land sailer is pushed by the wind. It has a sail much like one on a windsurfer. However, the person on the land cart has a much different fall…


It has three wheels on it just like a three wheeler but with one difference. It's powered by the wind not an engine.


Building a Land Sailor

Finding the materials was the hardiest part of this building project. We have a large metal scrap pile that takes time to find all the bits and peices. My brother and I have lots of fun building weird moving things. ...Watch


Fermented Chicken Feed

POLITICS Raw Milk Freedom

Two Federal "Raw Milk Freedom" Bills Introduced


WASHINGTON, DC—(March 27, 2014)—Congressman Massie (R–KY), Chellie Pingree (D–ME) and a bipartisan coalition of 18 other lawmakers introduced legislation on March 26 to improve consumer food choices and to protect local farmers from federal interference. The two bills—the “Milk Freedom of Act of 2014” and the “Interstate Milk Freedom Act of 2014”—are the first in a series of “food freedom” bills that Rep. Massie plans to introduce this year. ...Read More

Fermented Chicken Feed

HOW-TO Make Your Own Sliding Barn Door for Cheap!

We are definitely making one of these! I love this type of door but they can be quite expensive. This simple how-to has great illustrations and instructions. Now, just to find an opening that needs a door. hmmm ...Check it Out!



Make Your Own Sliding Barn Door For Cheap!

How to DIY Handheld Milking Machine

DIY Greenhouses Made from Old Windows & Doors

In the final stages of building our greenhouse/fodder system, I am stumped on how to install the doors. Originally, we had planned to use shower doors but after building the brick pony wall and a “lean to” roof, the doors are too tall for the structure. I looked on the internet to see what others were building. I found all these really cool greenhouses made from old windows and doors. I am so inspired! Check it out: Greenhouses Made from Old Windows and Doors


I also like this one: Plastic Bottle Greenhouse. Although nothing deteriorates faster than plastic in the southwest. It does give me good ideas for using glass bottles :)

How to DIY Handheld Milking Machine

FLASHBACK Homemade Egg Incubator

One of our favorite projects when the kids were young was making homemade incubators. We have made several and I have to say, it is not for the faint of heart. Preceding our successes were multiple “learning experiences”. ...Read More


How to DIY Handheld Milking Machine

DIY Making a Handheld Milking Machine

The kids, mainly the girls, are our best milkers. They usually take turns from one day to the next milking the goats. But when all the kids are away, Gary and I panic. Who’s going to milk the goats? Unfortunately, milking goats require a few minor skills of which neither Gary or I posses. We could ask the kids to stay home but we want farm life to add, not take away from their lives. When we stumbled across this handheld milking idea, it was the perfect solution.


I wanted to buy it online but the boys were already designing plans to make one. The project took longer than we expected. We learned which vacuums don’t work before discovering which one does. ...Watch


Fermented Chicken Feed

HOW-TO Free Power - Converting an Old Washing Machine into a Water Generator

A guy turned a washing machine into a water generator. He lives off the grid and uses this generator to run his electricity. He doesn't need a lot of for his small home. He makes up to 900 watts and coverts the low voltage dc to ac. He runs a heater, toaster, and water heater but not all at once. Check it out ...Watch

NUZ Olympic Snowboarder Drops out, Putin Fixes It!

Breaking nuz on why Shaun dropped out from the Olympics Slope Style event!!! Putin like you have never seen him before. ...Watch


HOW-TO Fix a Macbook Pro Laptop with a Black Screen

My Macbook Pro decided to go and quit on me. The screen went black even though I could hear the mac running.  I needed a solution to fix it. I suspected it wasn't going to be easy. ...Watch


SCRIBLS Speed Pencil Art Drawing of a Young Woman

I started a YouTube channel called Scribls. My first video is inspired by speed art done by other YouTubers. The young woman in this drawing isn’t anyone specific. I love drawing eyes and therefore, a face is needed XD




Square foot garden idea

SQUARE FOOT GARDEN IDEA Growing 100 Pounds of Potatoes

You don't have to live in the country to produce abundant garden crops. People are discovering and sharing ways to yield big in small spaces. Here's a clever How-to on growing 100 pounds of potatoes in 4 square feet. (A step-by-step, DIY tutorial is provided.) ...Click to Read


Fermented Chicken Feed

IDEA Paper Bag Flooring - A Step by Step Tutorial

We are constantly looking for fresh building ideas that are easy to install. We found “Paper Bag Floor” on Facebook as a post from a friend. The tutorial is written well with step by step instructions and commentary as a the flooring is installed. This is a great way to cover a concrete floor.


Give this a read. We think it is beautiful and fairly easy to install. ...Click to Read


Fermented Chicken Feed

WATCH Making Rabbit Hamburger (& Bonemeal for Dog/Cat Food)

We purchased grass fed beef by the “fill a large freezer” load from a small farmer when we lived in the city. Moving to the country was our opportunity to raise our own animals. We have raised several steer, hogs and goats but when it comes time for butchering, off to the meat packing plant they go. The smaller animals such as turkey, chicken or rabbit, we reluctantly render ourselves....Click to Read More


High Rise Gardening

FLASHBACK Rendering Lard/Tallow Recipe

We researched how to render lard a few years ago and wanted to share it. It can also be used with beef tallow.


Our hog was grass fed so he was leaner but the resulting lard has more nutrients. Here is a video of the process ...Watch


NUZ Behind the Scenes SuperBowl 2014 Highlights!

Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes of the Super Bowl? You're in luck. We have exclusive, behind the scenes, Superbowl footage that will blow your mind!!! This also includes a once in a lifetime interview with a government agent about the huge amount of stadium security. ...Watch


Fermented Chicken Feed

IDEA Fermented Chicken Feed!

What a great and simple idea to keep your flock of chickens healthy! If you are looking for some money saving, nutritional feed, check out the article, "Fermented Feed" from It explains the added nutrients that come with fermentation along with several other benefits. ...Click to Read More


High Rise Gardening

High on Gardens

Paris (AFP) - Imagine stepping out of your highrise apartment into a sunny, plant-lined corridor, biting into an apple grown in the orchard on the fourth floor as you bid "good morning" to the farmer off to milk his cows on the fifth.


You take the lift to your office, passing the rice paddy and one of the many gardens housed in the glass edifice that not only heats and cools itself, but also captures rainwater and recirculates domestic waste as plant food. ...Read More


NUZ True Story? Man Goes Through Car Windshield Unnoticed- Get the Latest News!

What would you do if you hit someone with your car? Probably not what this man form Wisconsin did. The gentleman who got hit was on his three wheeled bicycle doing his paper rout. When out of no where a car plowed right in to the his bike. He had no idea that delivering paper could be so hazardous to his health. Watch our short animation that tells the story from the prospective of the paper man's view. ...Watch


IDEA 3D Printer To The Moon!

As you may guessed by now, MyLittleHomestead likes to offer ideas from a synthesis of other ideas. Here is a brilliant idea I want to pass on to those who appreciate the different.


I was recently surfing the net for inspiration when I came across an article that show cases 2 ideas we love: Alternative Building and 3D printers. This concept has been around for a while but it makes more of an impact knowing that 3D printers are available to the general public.


Take a look at this article and let us know when you would like to move to the moon. ...Read More



NUZ Breaking News on Fukashima Radiation Exposure on California Beach!

Are you concerned about the disastrous impact of the Fukushima radiation meltdown? We are. Dad and I have always had an interest in animation and art. We started a new channel, "Nuzimation". Check out the new animation that puts a spin on the news. The first video concerns the Fukushima radiation affecting our US beaches. ...Watch


IDEA DIY Solar Collector made from Soda Cans

Here's a great idea for using aluminum soda cans to make a solar panel. In this video, a small office gathers heat from a convection style heating source. Check it out.



Hazmat Suit

The Surprising Nutritional Value of Whole Grains

Simple Protection against Radiation Exposure

With the scare of radiation exposure from Fukushima now possibly coming to America and the west coast in particular, it’s a good time to promote the importance of whole grains. Eating these healthy morsels is a simple way to protect your body from the danger of radiation poisoning.


Japanese patients in a hospital located 1 mile from the bombing of Japan in 1945, survived the blast, but not radiation sickness. Dr. Akizuki fed the staff and patients a diet of whole grains and subsequently saved everyone in his hospital when others perished ...Read More

WATCH A Pot to Heat In…

Human ingenuity is unending - and now there is a venue to share it with the world. Gotta love youtube!


Here is a clever way to inexpensively heat a small room. It’s posted by YouTuber, KeepTurningLeft, called "Heating Your Home Office for 8 Pence a Day". ...Read More


WATCH Brick Fence Made with CHEAP Homemade Mortar

We decided a few years ago we would avoid building anything with straight lines if possible. Our fence is no exception. Of course not having property lines to follow makes it a bit more doable.


Our fenced area is a large section that winds it’s way around the back courtyard starting at one side of the house and eventually making its way around to the other side. It's about an acre in size that is carved out of the 10 acre property. Living in the Southwest, we consider the courtyard an extension of our home. ...Read More


FLASHBACK Privacy Fence with Metal Art

Our outdoor shower structure is made of up of connected metal panels in a nautilus shape. So, when we decided on a back courtyard and needed a section of privacy fence, we started with the piles of corrugated metal. We continued the metal fencing off the shower and worked our way using a serpentine pattern around the courtyard. ...Read More


FLASHBACK Rotary Soil Sifter Idea

Wanting to use the natural resources around us for building materials, we looked to the wash. We can find everything from sand and fallen branches to deteriorating tires and whatever else the rushing water delivers during the monsoon season.


The harvested sand comes with larger rocks intermixed. Sifting sand by hand is a futile task for the amounts we need for things such as cob, mortar, and lime plaster. ...Read More


BOOK REVIEW Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz

After reading The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus, Book 4) by Rick Riordan, I started looking for a book that was just as action packed. I was surprised to find the book, Stormbreaker, that reached beyond my expectations and it was a spy book!


This book took place in modern day France and England. ...Read More



Organic Herbal Mint Extract

WATCH "I Saw Three Ships" Christmas Cover

It’s Christmas time again! What better way to get into the Holiday spirit than singing some tunes!


The band got together to decide what cover we should take on this year. We debated on a few but, we soon settled on this one. That Irish feel is our favorite sound. What’s an Irish tune without the groove of an old fashion fiddle? ...Read More

Organic Herbal Mint Extract

WATCH Homemade Mint Extract Recipe with Chef Shae

Our "Green Thumb" neighbor, Kenny, let us harvest some mint from his large mint patch. We added the mint to a quarter gallon jar. With a cup of Vodka we let it set for a a little more then three weeks in a dark cool place. ...Read More

HOW TO Make a Self Watering Pot for a Small Christmas Tree

Benefits of Self Watering
- Plant regulates its own water intake

- Nutrients are not lost as dramatically through the soil through water flowing top to bottom

- Healthy, long living plants

- Don’t have to water as often

- Keep your Christmas tree healthy while waiting for the opportunity to plant it at its permanent spot!



- Potted Christmas tree approximately 2' tall

- Old 5 Gallon bucket with lid

- Plastic Paint ...Read More

Christmas Original & Cover Tunes by Little Homestead Country Band


We had so much fun putting this Christmas EP together and what a learning experience! I mean, I’ve worked with ProTools before but this was different. I wanted every track to be as perfect as possible. But every album or EP in this case, needs to begin somewhere.


Shae and I started remaking several traditional Christmas songs in hopes of bringing them a fresh new Little Homestead feel. Unfortunately, we had way too many so we had to cut back on quite a few. I guess we got a little carried away. But, in the end, we had three we were happy with, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (a beachy style), Away In The Manger, and Gloria. However, we were missing something very important, an original!... More


Exterior Cob Wall Patch

After monsoon season, we had some cob wall damage to repair. The storms last only minutes but our cheap, plastic gutters are no match for the water flow as it splashes over the gutters and onto the side of the building. We spent time thinking of different materials that might hold up better during storms....Read More


Thanksgiving Origins

It’s that time of year again when families are together! Sometimes the reunions aren’t the greatest and you just sit tight and bare through it. For others, it’s a time much anticipated. Whatever the personal feelings are, you still give thanks and overeat.


Prayers of thanks and special thanksgiving are common among all religions after harvests or other times people felt the need to give ...well, thanks. In the English tradition, these became very important during the the English Reformation. ...Read More


Year Around Gardening Idea!

We received a post from Tucson Henderson, one of our subscribers to My Little Homestead YouTube channel. We wanted to forward this great information to you:


"...Well with winter coming our growing season came to an end. Naturally I wanted to keep growing, so I was looking for some way to do so when I came across another way to garden from one of my home steading friends. Not sure if this would work in your area without convection cooling but having an underground green house should prove to have many advantages. Only down side is needing a bee box of some kind in there and keeping the temp from being too hot. So here is the web page with loads of info on it for you."


Please take a look at the article and glean something for your region. ..Click to Read the Article


Building a Hackintosh for the First Time

After a long time of using my iMac, it finally started to go out of date. So, I began the search for a new computer. My brother found that you could get a Macbook for about $200. I went ahead and bought one. I quickly found the graphics card was too small and would not work for me. :( I ended up selling it and began to look again. I found you could make your own Mac called a "Hackintosh". I started the quest for parts. It was a long process for someone that didn't know much, but with the help of websites like, I got the parts I needed.

...Read More


Moon Hut

DIY Fodder System

It's that time of year again when our animals move from grazing off the land to eating stored hay and feed. Not new, but streamlined today are fodder systems. If you haven't heard of them, it's the process of growing grass from seed within 6 to 10 days in which the grass reaches a height of 4 to 6 inches. It is then used to feed the animals. Not only is it full of nutrients, it saves up to 75% of the cost of feed. What is better than that!


There are climate controlled storage containers designed for large cattle ranches that use a hydroponic system. Doors open on one side to grab the daily trays of grass for feeding. On other other side, trays of seed are placed inside and will emerge 6 days later as grass. These are elaborate and expensive, costing into the thousands. But, thanks to many resourceful people, do-it-yourself designs are popping up everywhere. These are cost efficient systems designed for raising small numbers of animals. They feed not only cattle but goats, sheep, horses, chickens, rabbits and many others.


Bryson has been working on one for our homestead. He will be posting his setbacks and successes when he has finished working out the bugs. In the meantime, I wanted to share a great article on the subject we found in Mother Earth News. Towards the end of the article, you can click on "Sarah's website" where she has a youtube video showing her design.


To check out the Mother Earth Article Click Here


Raise Healthy Animals, Eat Nourishing Foods, and Live Long! :)

Haunted: A Minecraft Animation Short

I recently got the bug to make Minecraft Skits. I wanted to test the waters as I have the desire to create a much larger production in the future. I decided on a small project. Halloween was coming up and what a perfect opportunity!


This skit took 3 days from writing, creating the set, shooting, editing, and uploading. I think if I did it again, I’d take more time. It was a ton of work to fit in 3 days but, it felt good to meet the goal. :) ...Read More


Moon Hut

Earthbag Play Structure Project for Children in England - Protecting Little Ears :)

A unique project using alternative building materials (superadobe earth tubes) to construct playground structures to shield airport noise from children and teachers.


Check it out!... Read More


History of the Black Cat

We’ve recently acquired a new member to our family. Who is it you might ask? A little black kitten. We cannot think of the right name for her. She has had 6 names so far and counting.


To be honest, I’ve never seen a cat with so much energy! I kid you not, that thing jumps up from a dead sleep attempting to tear your leg off in a "playful" way. Sounds of surprise and laughter ring from our house at odd times of the day. Silly cat!


Our Grandparents came down for a visit which started my interest in the black cat superstition. You see, my Grandmother believes that if a black cat crosses your path it could mean bad luck, however, owning one brings good luck. But the opposite is true in Britain. Cool right? That's not the whole story of the cat superstitions though... Read More


WATCH New & Improved Self Water Container Systems

Our Self Water Container Garden Systems continue to be one of our favorites. We have several raised gardens including a tire garden using this idea. They are connected to a series of rain barrels - this makes for good use of our most valuable resource, water.


We made some changes for a new and improved system. The most important design change was to the tire garden beds. We replaced the 1/4” flexible tubing with 1/2” pvc pipe. With these and other improvements, we are hoping to eliminate the yearly clean out.


We implemented this in a couple different ways. We converted an 18’ brick raised garden. The piping layout was easy but increased in complexity when we designed it for our circular grow beds. Everything had to be pre-planned since the pipes aren’t flexible... Read More


WATCH Homemade Refried Beans - Sprouted & Organic with Chef Shae

We buy organic Pinto beans in bulk from a local farmer after “bean” harvest. We then sprout and make large batches of refried beans for our Mexican meals. I have two big muscled, bean eating brothers but shhhh, you didn’t hear it from me...Read More



WATCH I Want Crazy Cover

This cover has been quite the journey. It would never have made it to YouTube if not for some perseverance. We had the song recorded. We were ready to shoot the music video. After listening to it again though we decided it really wasn’t going to cut it. The timing wasn’t right.


We all sat down to a family meeting and discussed cutting the song and trying another one, or putting our noses to the grindstone and doing it over. We came to the conclusion that we didn’t want to quit. So, Dad slaved the cajon to a click track and we had another go... Read More


WATCH Hugelkultur Idea using Palm Mulch

Hügelkultur, German word translated “Mound Culture”, is another permaculture idea we are excited to implement on our property. It is another way we can “store” water in our ground. With the little rainfall we get each year, every drop counts.


When we first began looking for gardening with low water use, we put in a grey water system to maximize our water usage. Another concept, our self water container garden, is one of our favorites because it allows the plants to drink as much as they need, and keep the evaporation down to a minimum. We installed several rain barrels in line to catch rainwater which then in turn, provide water to our self water containers. We have also implemented several berms and basins throughout the property to harvest water. After watching the video, Back to Eden, we added wood chips to all our garden areas. The only problem is that for the few times we do get rain, they are in the forms of “flash floods” so our wood chips sometimes go sailing away with the flowing rain water... Read More


WATCH "Draw My Life"

mylittlehomestead is about a paradigm change for our family’s lifestyle and a subsequent move from the city to the country.


The six of us moved out in July 2005 into a 24’ travel trailer while we fixed up the guesthouse. We rented out our home in the city with the thought we could move back if we didn’t like the country. After a few short months living on the property, we knew we would not even consider moving back to the city. We immediately acquired a steer and 2 piglets to raise for meat. We were on our way to producing some of our own foods. However, we were not farmers and our parents were only children when they lived on farms. We needed to gather more information from those who were experienced. The internet became our number one resource... Read More


WATCH Simple Goat Powered Mower

The area around our home, like most places, is where most of the plant & tree growth occur. This is also the place where the farm animals are not allowed. We use 6’ fence, gates, and several dogs to keep them out. We have had too many trees, flowers, and plants be demolished by a curious goat or wandering chicken.


In the springtime and especially after the first monsoon rain, green growth jumps out everywhere but mostly in the “farm animals not allowed” courtyard. Yes, the grass is greener on the other side.


Long grasses and weeds are mowed and the fallen mesquite beans are carefully gathered up for the animals. However, this takes lots of time and energy so, this year we came up with a new method.


Watch the video... Read More


WATCH Homesteading Setbacks

Setbacks are a normal part of life but they differ in the country from those in the city. For example, in the city, we have stresses of traffic, schedules, and shopping. However, in the country, setbacks are related to more basic things, like water, animals, and garden.


When we began bumping into setbacks, we thought we were cursed with extra bad luck. In time, we came to accept these different setbacks as part of normal country living.


Here are three major areas of homesteading setbacks we have experienced... Read More


WATCH Homemade Solid Hammock

Every year at this time everyone is scrambling to find a comfortable way to sleep outside. It’s 90-100s in the daytime and runs in the 60s at night. A perfect nighttime outdoor temp. Once the monsoon hits, humidity goes up and the rains can drop quickly at indiscriminate spots in the middle of the night. Not exactly a gentle wake up call.


The kids have slept in several small tents, a large yurt tent, and on the trampoline located under a carport for weeks on end throughout the summer, rain or shine. They even slept in the winter one year in the large 60‘ round tent, sleeping on water beds set to 90 degrees. It snows here in the winter which did not deter them... Read More


WATCH Tarantula Hawk

Starting with the Wikipedia definition seems to be the best way to start an article like this, mostly to make sure both you and I understand what it is that we want to discuss.


A tarantula hawk is a spider wasp which hunts tarantulas as food for its larvae. Tarantula hawks belong to any of the many species in the genera Pepsis and Hemipepsis in the family Pompilidae (spider wasps).


The more familiar species are up to 5 cm (2 in) long, with blue-black bodies and bright, rust-colored wings (other species have black wings with blue highlights), making them among the largest of wasps. The coloring on their wings warns potential predators that they are dangerous (aposematism). Their long legs have hooked claws for grappling with their victims. The stinger of a female tarantula hawk can be up to 7 mm (1/3 in) long, and the sting is considered the second most painful insect sting in the world... Read More


WATCH Tidbits On: Asdfmovie's - From the Real Thing...

Have you ever noticed that asdf is the first 4 keys on the keyboard your hand is setting on? Made you look! lol


No really.


“Oh knock it off Bree. What is so significant about that?”


Well, it just happens to be the name of a very, very popular internet series. It’s made up of 1 to 2 minute videos that are chockfull of super short, random as all get out, skits. The characters in these random stories are made up of mainly black and white, slightly better but not really, stick figures.... Read More


WATCH This Ain't No Thinking Thing Cover

I had just purchased Pro Tools and was looking for a song to cover that would broaden my skill of the program. “(This Ain’t) No Thinking Thing” by Trace Adkins was stuck in my head. I had wanted to cover it for awhile. Now was the prefect time! I set to work at around 11 in the evening and was done around 1 am. It was only supposed to be a test recording but when Mom and Dad came in to hear it the next morning, they encouraged me to make a music video and put it out on YouTube.


The day was rainy and cloud covered just perfect for filming. I had watched several video’s on YouTube that featured walking down a road. I liked the look and wanted to try it. Mom and Dad came with me to film and we set out for a newly paved road close to home. Filming was kinda fun as there was a herd of friendly cattle that thought we were going to shower them with treats ... Read More


WATCH Rabbit Housing Idea

We have attempted to raise rabbits several times over the years we have lived in the country. We started out replicating the system an old farmer taught us upon selling us his four breeding rabbits and stand up cage structure. Each rabbit had its own cage - one buck and three does. The object was to wait until one of the does went into heat and then place her into the buck cage. Apparently, if a buck is placed into a doe cage, he would be greeted with a fight.


During the heat cycle, the doe is supposed to be "swollen" in the back. If you are from the city, you may relate to our dilemma. We never figured it out ... Read More


WATCH Homemade Seed Starting Green House Kit

Here's one idea for reusing those fruit and veggie plastic containers that get discarded. Find some without holes and use them for greenhouses as your own homemade greenhouse kit for seed starters.


We got a tip from a friend on how to use discarded fruit & veggie clamshell containers as mini greenhouses for seed starts. The ones that do not contain holes are said to work best. Air can seep into the gaps from the space between the lid and bottom of the container. However, they need to be as enclosed as possible to keep the heat and moisture inside the growing area ... Read More


WATCH Left, Right!

We are so excited to share with you our new single Left, Right! Writing, recording, and filming the music video was a great learning experience for all of us. Everyone worked hard interpreting what Bree had in her head. We had a few rough spots, but everyone was able to change.


Bree loves writing. She was trying to find a rhyming phrase for "when will you get that she's not right." Shae, who was in the room at the time, had just finished “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” by Rick Riordan. She must have had the character “Annabeth” on the brain as her eyes got real big and she said, “She wears armor into the fight!"


Recording was a bigger task than normal because we added Bryson and Shae to the mix. But, hey, “Can't never did nothing!” We love the challenge ... Read More


WATCH Rocket Stove Mass Heater

In the city, like most people, we lived in modern homes located in neighborhoods with similar houses. The last thing we would do is bring in a wheelbarrow full of dirt into the house to build a mud structure in our dining room. This is one of the pluses to living in an old country home of let's say, less than normal standards. It's like living in an old fort where you can do anything you want to it and it will neither improve nor degrade it. We have the freedom to do any experiment we want. This is our kind of place! With this freedom comes the desire to live outside the box and what better way to add to it than build our own rocket mass heater. We needed a bench in our dining room. And heated? How fun is that! The creativity found on the Internet is never ending.


YouTube has several Do-It-Yourself videos on this subject. We found an efficient design and morphed it to fit our needs ... Read More


MrOffandOn Unicycle Made from a Bike

I first started loving the unicycle when Mom and Dad brought home a little red one for Bryson’s birthday. Bryson and I learned to ride. I soon wanted to take unicycling to new heights. I decided to build a taller version of my own.


I used bike forks and a short pole to make the frame. For the seat, I cut plywood and foam to the shape I wanted and then used cloth to hold it all together. I took the peddles off an old bike and welded them to the frame. I attached a chain and back tire and it was done. ... Watch


WATCH Homemade Yogurt Recipe

You don't need a yogurt maker to make yogurt, just a small electrical appliance that can hold the temperature consistent for making yogurt. We use one similar to a crock-pot.


Before making yogurt, it is important to have a setting on the temperature dial that measures a steady 100 degrees. Put water in the pot and place a candy thermometer inside with the lid on. Start near the warm setting. Check the temperature every so often and adjust until it until it keeps a steady 100 ... Read More


WATCH America is a Republic!

I Don’t know about you but I’m one of those people that can’t stand it when folks refer to America as a “democracy”. It’s one of those things I don’t understand. This is one of life’s biggest mystery’s to me. I mean, what are we learning in schools these days? In my opinion a republic is very different from a democracy in every aspect. Even though both systems attempt to get the same job done by passing or blocking laws, the way it’s done is entirely different.


Democracy sounds great! But it has a fatal flaw that renders it dangerous. It does not really represent the people. The founders knew that the populous could make great decisions, but humans have a tendency to get carried away in a crowd. To make sure laws are passed, well thought through and the effects carefully weighed, they went with a Republic form of government. Even though representatives could still take bribes and be talked into dumb things, they were held accountable for ... Read More


Recycled Table Yields Three Desks

In advance of building our next earth bag structure, we begin to gather the needed items. We drive by our local business to pick up free pallets a couple at a time so we will have several accumulated for the ceiling and window wraps. We also watch Craigslist and one of our favorite activities - garage sales. Here we look for various windows and skylights, tiles, and pots to place in the walls. We have also been on the lookout for something to make a good desktop - something we could embed in the super adobe walls for a desk.


On our first super adobe structure, we picked up a slab of granite. It was too small to fit between the walls so the guys built a free standing desk. Below is the video of it followed by the description of the above "table" desk: ... Read More


WATCH Looney Balloony Science Experiment

Here is an interesting magic trick I discovered playing with a dart and a balloon. We entered it in a Magic Trick contest.


Here it is: ... Read More


WATCH The Art of Goat Milking

When Bryson was 3 years old, we discovered he was allergic to milk. Later we found out Shae also had a milk allergy. We did not want to use a milk substitute. After reading about the great benefits of goat’s milk, we decided to try it.


Off a main road, we found a small “milk” sign pointing down a long, winding driveway. There we found a local farmer tucked within the city limits that milked a single LaMancha goat. Mary was a sweet woman with a gentle demeanor. She showed us her goat and we watched her milk.


We began purchasing milk from her and continued for the next couple of years. Later, milking a goat would be a contributing factor in our decision to move to the country. ... Read More


WATCH Tile over Soil Cement

We have found Soil cement to be our favorite type of subfloor. They are cheap and strong. We have been topping them with earthen floors. But when it comes to the laundry room, we wanted a floor that was not only strong enough to handle heavy appliances but one that could take water spilling onto it.


While out garage saleing, we found what we needed - enough tiles to cover the laundry room floor. ... Read More


WATCH Sprouted Wheat Flour

As part of our efforts to consume better foods for better health, we sprout organic wheat, dry and grind it into flour. Before you start wheezing from no oxygen, read on. This process is easier than you think. The benefits outweigh the small amount of work it takes to make nutritious flour.


A small farmer in Idaho provides our family with non-gmo organic wheat berries in 5-gallon buckets. Some parts of the world may be confused with the use of “berry”. Why someone chose, the term “berry” is somewhat of a mystery. I say “berries” because most of the internet references also uses this term. It refers to the entire wheat kernel (except for the hull), composed of the bran, germ, and endosperm. ... Read More


WATCH Self-Water Brick Container Gardening

There is nothing like the taste of strawberries in the summer. However, getting things to grow in the Southwest is always a challenge.


Gardeners from all over the world have contributed to the base knowledge of soil composition, light and seasons needed for growing healthy plants. The trick in the southwest is getting plenty of water to them.


the Southwest has water. It is mostly underground. the Southwest has more wells than any other state in the country. There are rivers and lakes, but they are few in number. Well, they call them rivers on maps, but if you drive over a bridge, you will see something quite different. A sign names the river but looking over the guardrail will tell you the truth, “There ain’t nothin’ down there but sand.” Yes, there are very few real rivers and lakes in the Southwest, but it’s a joke to name a wash or irrigation ditch a river. Even if you could get water to stay in a river or lake, evaporation takes it away at a rate faster than the speed of light. ... Read More


WATCH Simple Solar Food Dryer

The sun is a great resource for drying food. We have experimented with all kinds of ways to preserve food and dry wheat berries for flour. Here are a few ways we have made solar food dryers.


Try two window screens exactly the same size as drying racks. Place your favorite fruit like apples or even pineapple between the screens. Put them together and secure the screens with ... Read More


WATCH Homemade Self Watering Container using Recycled Tires

We’ve been looking for solutions to save valuable water since moving to the country. Self-watering, especially from underground, seemed to be one of the less obvious but ideal answers.


A good friend gave us a book called The Vegetable Gardener's Container Bible. Information from the book gave us the needed education to have a foundation for experimenting. This was a learning experience not for just us, but a valuable object lesson for the kids in their learning to live in the country, and learning how to be more self-reliant. ... Read More


Grey Water System

Last year we installed a grey water system using water from the kitchen and laundry room. We estimated the amount of water needed for several fruit trees and garden plants. Our system is designed according to the information in the book, Create an Oasis with Greywater by Art Ludwig. His system requires water to flow underground through 2” pipe to brick box enclosures. The water feeds through the gaps in the bricks into mulch basins. ... Read More


Growing Sunflowers

Garen grew a field of sunflowers this year. He enjoyed it tremendously as the "fruits of his labor" yielded much. Our climate here in the Southwest is perfect for this type of flower.


Instead of waiting to harvest the sunflower seeds, Garen has opted to increase his likability. He picks a few every Sunday and gives them to various ladies at church. Needless to say, he is winning the hearts of many. ... Read More


Grandpa's Organic Garden

It’s now in the fall season here, so I guess you would find this just a little out of date here in the U.S., but I will be posting it in Australia and New Zealand as well, and it is spring time there.  Besides, you can post it for next spring here in the Z.I. and use it then.


Let me start this by making one thing perfectly clear – I am not a farmer, I never even started to raise my first garden until three years ago, and I am 77 years old.  No, I don’t have a kazalian years of experience, just three – BUT - I have done a lot of reading, talked to my neighbors, worked with my son and his wife, and came up with some pretty interesting pieces of information. His wife is an excellent source of my knowledge.


Not being a farmer, and not having much room to grow anything as we live on a rather small lot, we have to do everything concentrated.  Our garden consists of one raised bed (built from concrete brick by my lovely wife) and 10 large pots.  Not only do we have to build the soil up with nutrition and compost, but also, we have to be very careful how much water we use.   We live in the Southwest and water is ALWAYS a premium. ... Read More


Growing Heirloom Pumpkins

We planted our pumpkins in February. The first one was ready to harvest by mid-August. These pumpkins, called the Big Max, can get as large as 100 pounds. This one was approximately 50 pounds with a 20 inch diameter but we still have several to harvest which are larger.


We plan to roast the pumpkin seeds with salt and butter, make pumpkin pie ice cream, eat cooked pumpkin for dinner, and try our hand at making pumpkin pie. ... Read More


Sure Fire Garden Success

I have never been successful at growing anything. When I was young, I decided I wanted a plant. My Mom bought me a 3” cactus in a little pot (a premonition that I would one day live in the desert). Within a short time, I had managed to poke the life out of my prickly plant.


Before we moved to the country, I decided to grow cauliflower. We went to the local nursery, got specific instructions and set out with great expectations. Within a few days, a small cauliflower head had appeared. Everyday I would tend it and smile at my success.


Then, one morning, while checking on my little plant, I was shocked to see it was completely gone. Upon further investigation, it was clear that a javelina had gotten into the backyard and devoured my success. ... Read More


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