Homemade Prickly Pear Cactus Jelly
Harvesting, Making & Canning It!
Have you checked out the ingredients lately on jelly in the store? Wow, there can be so many yet so few I can pronounce. One way to know what ingredients are in jelly is make it ourselves. It's organic with no preservatives or additives!
Watch as friends come over and help teach us how to harvest, make and can homemade jelly :)
Native Desert Plant
It’s amazing what the desert can produce. This is one plant that doesn’t require tending. Knowing how to eat and process the natives plants has been something we have wanted to learn for a long time (not to mention learning to can). Thanks to Margie, we now have video documentation of how to do it!
Margie and her Mom, Elaine, have spent a few years perfecting the recipe. She has graciously agreed to let us share it on the internet. Here is her recipe:
Prepare Juice
Water Bath Canning
September 25, 2015