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Science Made Fun & Funner - Check out Bryson's Youtube Channel!


3d printer beee extruder


3D Printed Queen Bee Excluder









Rotating Extrance into the Top Bar Bee Hive!

A while back my brother Bryson took an interest in bee keeping. He bought a bee suit and built a hive! His 3D printer has come in handy to make a door for the 'lil bees! This is a nifty gadget! Watch the video and please like, share and if you haven't already, subscribe :D







How to Print - Link to 3D Model
If you want to print this "Bait Hive Entrance Disc" by veryprint, here's the link:





Shae aka Winter_Apple

May 23, 2016

















starter bee hive for beginner beekeeping










full beekeeping suit