Building a Milking Stanchion from Pallets
Low Profile UttersMilking a goat while the goat is standing on the ground is difficult. It requires you to find a low stool, sit or kneel on the ground. Goat utters are close to the ground unlike their milking cousins, the cow. It is better to have the goat jump up on a milking stanchion. Even 18” is an improvement.
Synthesized Design
We went online and found several designs for making a stanchion. When we finalized the design, it combined several ideas from all the research. We knew we needed a locking mechanism for the head to stay in place and not have the goat jump around or leave. We wanted something to set food on for the goat to munch on while being milked. In addition, we wanted to repurpose some type of common construction material.
We love to reuse materials we can find on the property or find for free somewhere around town. We have been recycling the wood from pallets to install a roof and trim out the house around the doors, windows and baseboards.
It was time to find some free pallets. We made several trips to the local lumber store. They are generous and leave pallets out for the community to stop by and pick up.
You can use any materials to build the stanchion. We used pallet wood. Some of the dimensions are odd. For instance, the pallet maker has access to “seconds” from the wood mill; they will make pallets from odd sized wood. Most of the time the materials are close to standard measurements, so you may find what you need.
We built our stanchion in less than a day. With a little paint, you too can have a better tool for milking your goats.
If you would like to see how we milk a goat see The Art of Goat Milking.
If you would like specific plans to our design for a $4.99, please click Milking Stanchion Plans.
Garen Michael
February 2013