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Cob Wall PatchHomemade Mint Extract Recipe

Our "Green Thumb" neighbor, Kenny, let us harvest some mint from his large mint patch. We added the mint to a quarter gallon jar with a cup of Vodka. We let it set for a a little more then three weeks in a dark cool place.






1 Cup Chopped Mint Leaves
1 Cup Vodka



1. Put chopped mint leaves into jar
2. Poor Vodka into jar and cap it
3. Let it set for three weeks
4. Sift leaves from mint
5. Poor mint into bottle(s) for storage with your other spices & extracts



Here's a video of the process:



Thats it!! Simple and easy

We use this in our Herbal Mint Tea with 1/4 teaspoon of mint, a spoonful of organic, raw, local honey, and hot water. If you add mint to boiling water it will evaporate away - not that I have done it or anything...


Homemade Cinnamon ExtractWe also use it in our Chocolate Mint Christmas Cookies and during summer time, in our Chocolate Mint Ice Cream.


This same process can be used for other extracts such as Vanilla, Lemon and Cinnamon. When making Cinnamon Extract, we use a small mason jar and cover the cinnamon sticks with vodka (some people use rum). The alcohol does not "cook out" and is comparable to the alcohol content of most extracts purchased at stores.


Merry Christmas and enjoy your mint!!!


Chef Shae
December 2013