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Paper Bag Patio Floor Update

Leaky Roof Causes Damage

Ever since the Paper Bag Patio has been installed, I have been somewhat afraid of it. I avoid walking on it and cringe when it rains. It seems so fragile. Yet after a year, it is surprisingly durable with a couple of exceptions.


We have a leaky roof (which we will eventually fix) but everywhere the roof leaked, the floor is damaged - a couple spots in the middle of the patio and especially where the floor meets the building. Also, the seam between the earthbag & the concrete is ripping in various places.


This is surprisingly easy to fix.


Here is a video update:




The best part of the patio is that I can walk on it with complete confidence. I now believe paper bags are a viable option for a floor covering and we have an easy fix if the weather is too hard on it. Bree jokes that eventually our patio will be completely covered by earthen floor :)


Earthbag Patio with a Paper Bag Floor
Click Here to See Part One


Here are a couple links to paper bag floors that others have done and where we got our instructions on how to install them.


Article: Paper Bag Floors - A Tutorial:


Video: Brown Paper Floor: Do-It-Yourself Alternative to Hard Wood Floors:



July 2015