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Rustic Wood Ceiling for Free!!!

Pallet Ceiling

The family has been having fun recycling pallets. So many things can be done with pallets from a window wrap,chair, bench, table, fort, and the left overs can always become firewood. People everywhere are discovering ways to be creative with pallets. Let your ideas turn junk into masterpieces!


This particular project, captured on video, is of our rustic ceiling. It entailed cutting up pallets into slats, making ledgers on the rafters, and then sliding the slats one upon the next until the ceiling was completely covered with slats. It definitely gives a rustic look. This is not something you would have in a newer home but it fits perfectly with our organic lifestyle.




The best pallet project I have seen so far has been a pallet house. The homes are designed to “put roofs over the heads of the world's poorest people”. The link to it is: world.html .




December 2012