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The Family goes to Phoenix Comicon 2016


Bryson Captures a Wild Bee Hive for the first time!  Moving Wild Bees



Participating in Cosplay!

Phoenix comicon is the biggest convention we go to in the year! It's my absolute favorite with all the beautiful cosplays and nice people! This year we all dressed up and is was soo much fun!! I'm excited for our next convention but for now please enjoy the video! We would love it if you'd comment, like and share it to all your social networks :P









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Shae's Video on "The Making of the Odin Costume"





Shae's Video on "The Making of the Silica Costume from Sword Art Online (SAO)"






Additional Links


Bree's Comicon Vlog: ss-2016-phoenix-comicon-sword-art-online-panel-and-vlog.html

3D Print Parachute Clips: smf-3d-printer-parachute-clip-clasp-buckle-cheap-how-to.html
Side Release Buckle 3/4 Inch by UniverseOfDesign:




Shae aka Winter_Apple
June 10, 2016



Transcript of Video

Shae: Oh, I’m just duct taping my dad to a shirt.
Bree: The family attends Comicon this year. Preparations begin months in advance.
Shelly: So what are you doing? Wrapping him in duct tape?
Gary: Yep. And then a shirt that I don’t want.
Shae: A mannequin.
Gary: And then she’ll cut the shirt off.
Gary: This is what came out of the bottom of it.
It keeps leaking …and leaking …and leaking. It’s really gone crazy.
Bree: Dad doesn’t do anything half way. He decides to cosplay Odin, the almighty ruler of Asgard, the Allfather or otherwise known as Thor’s Dad. The costume took several months to make, so here’s a recap. If you’re interested in seeing a more detail look at it, we’ll have a link down in the description.
Gary: I’m going as Odin, Thor’s father. I made my costume with foam, same as Garen. And the cape has got some cloth in it.
Gary: And then on the back, it’s going to go on more like a t-shirt. Bryson printed me these really great clips on his 3d printer.
Bree: So what’s going on here Dad?
Gary: Foil hats.
Bree: You know that’s right.
Bryson: Dad, he made it out of foam.
Gary: I made my eyepatch. Can’t have me in there without my eyepatch.
Shae: I am the great Odin.
Shelly: You look great.
Shae: I think it’s a little big Mom.
Gary: I made a second costume for my wife. She’s going as Frigga. Queen Frigga, by the way.
Bree: Ohhhhh.
Shelly: It’s gonna be something I have never done before. I’m usually in the background.
Bree: So cool Mom.
Shelly: He made this and the plate with all the intricate detail. I picked a character that’s gonna be a background character. Garen got my hair up.
Bree: Oh ya, the hair.
Shelly: Oh. I have arm things that I don’t have on. I’ll get those.
Bree: Oh ya ya ya. You look so much like Frigga.
Shelly: What did he do Bree?
Bree: He soldered that in. He burned the plastic in. So cool.
Shelly: He did such a good job.
Gary: Shae was the reason. She was the instigator of our problems and we’re now suffering the consequences of her actions.
Shelly: I don’t normally get involved in these things but Shae is so into it. We want to go. We want to support her.
Bree: Garen doesn’t want to miss out. He decides to go as…
Garen: Thor.
Gary: Thor.
Garen: Thor. I’ve been holding this all day and my arms are so Thor. It’s close, I’m happy. I used foam.
Gary: I used foam on my Thor costume.
Garen: Hey, don’t hate. Didn’t we have this discussion about hurting people?
Gary: That’s true.
Garen: Just foam mainly. It’s all foam. Thor’s chest plate, baby.
Shelly: And what is that all pinned on or something?
Garen: It’s just not glued yet.
Shelly: And then that’s going on this?
Garen: Yes.
Shelly: It’s all 3d printed?
Garen: Umm hmm.
Gary: We’re going to be done on time.
Garen: Yeah, oh yeah. Just got to be put together now.
Shelly: That’s amazing.
Gary: Ha Ha. I love it.
Bree: Half the family is ready to go but the other half has volunteered for a panel at Comicon. Their costumes have to be done and it’s coming down to the wire.
Shae: Here we go again.
Bree: You could submit a panel.
Shae: Which is pretty crazy because I thought they would of shut those down months ago.
Bree: Well, we’ll just throw one together and see if they accept it.
Shae: I sat there with hand shaking. They’re going to deny us. They’re going to deny us. You’re 10:30 to 11:30 on Friday. Oh okay. What!?
Bryson: We got a panel at the Comicon this year and then they asked if I’d play in it. And it was like, yes.
Bree: I don’t know if we asked you. It’s like, hey we got a panel are you ready to do it!
Shae: I remember something like, did we ask Bryson?
Bryson: It was more of a command not a will you come.
Bree: Sword Art Online which is one of my favorite Anime’s.
Shae: Anime is a Japanese, don’t want to say cartoon because they are not all for kids.
Bree: I’m going to be Asuna which is the main gal. Bryson is going to be playing Kirito who’s the main guy.
Shae: And I’m kinda a side character but I just want to be like the narrator person.
Bree: She’s going to be Silica.
Shae: We tried to get Garen to be Klein but he declined. Most of it’s guesstimating. You just look at pictures and try to re-create it whether it’s out of foam or fabric.
Bryson: We have a day to finish costumes.
Shae: Bryson can get his done.
Bryson: I’m going to attempt to.
Shae: We can get Bree’s done too.
Mom: Woah, you are awesome looking.
Bryson: An arm, a leg and a chicken. It’s turned out this way.
Shelly: They are so outgoing and they love to perform.
Shae: It’s a neat atmosphere. Very nerdy. Very accepting. There’s a lot of cool people there. I have met a lot of friends at Comicon’s.
Gary: It’s really cool that we have an opportunity to do a Comicon because we get to play. You know as little kids, when they are small they have a cape and they pretend to be superman and that’s cool for them. We admire them and we think they are so cute. It’s fun. Well, that same admiration should never be lost. As adults we should never lose our sense of play, our sense of creativity, our sense of expression as people. So when you go to a Con, you see someone dress up as the Hulk. Or you see them dress up as Superman or Odin, you get that opportunity to get that sense of play. I think that is so important not to lose as adults.
Bryson: Had a fabulous time at Comicon. See you next week.
Shelly: Look at those eyes. That is incredible. Those gloves are really cool. Gary, look at her gloves.
Shae: The hat needs to be safety pinned to my wig.
Shae: Please subscribe. For more information, you can click the website link below. If you like what you see, please share it with your friends. Thanks for watching.
Gary: Odin beard’s gonna go. Here we go. We’re done with Comicon and we’re ready to move on. The GOOOOTEEEE look right here. Mustache thing.
Shelly: Woah, let me back away. Oh yeah. All fresh and new.
Gary: Uh huh.
Bree: Bulky. Dad has a giant head. In the description. Please, your life depends on it. My voice is so strange in this thing. You can hear yourself really good. Odin dance. What are you miming? Talking. What are you miming?
















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Odin Costume -Thor's Dad Father - the Allfather -InCharacter Costumes Men's Viking Warrior Costume, Medium












Odin Beard for Cosplay at Comicon - One Viking Wig & Beard Set