Underground Earth Bag Construction
Episode 2
Electrical, Moisture Barrier & Dirt Chute
Moving Up the Underground Earth Bag Walls
Hello! This weekly peek is a continuation of the Recording and Art Studio! We installed a moister barrier, electrical, and check out our weird way of getting the dirt to our bags in the pit! We will see you next week and please like and share!
Missed Laying the Foundation - Episode 1?
Next Up - Building Considerations to Strengthen the Walls
Shae aka Winter_Apple
June 3, 2016
Transcript of Video
Bree: Last time, we laid the foundation bags for the underground earth bag building. When we get around 18" high with the bags, we laid the electric wire and boxes.
Bree: What is that stuff? Sheeting?
Bryson: We are going to go ahead and put plastic around our building. We got some plastic here to act as a moisture barrier between the bags and the dirt.
Bree: is it pretty thick plastic?
Bryson, it is 6 mil.
Shelly: ya, it is thick plastic.
Bree: That is pretty nice. That is really thick.
Shelly: We got it 10 foot high. Because we know that building is 8 or 9 feet high. We thought 10 would be good enough and then Shae with our mathematical calculations. A 100 foot should easily reach around the whole building, we will find the best way as we go.
Bree: Are we going to have to pull the whole thing out? Like all of it from the box? Then just...
Shelly: We are going to have to. This is going to be quite the challenge. Because, we have to keep pushing it out of our way as we grow, back filling, pushing it out of the way.
Bree: Let's make it happen.
Gary: If you guys start right here? I that what you were thinking?
Shelly: Ya...Ya.
Gary: Ya, work it.
Shelly: You just what to make sure that you weren't involved in the mathematical calculations. So, that...
Shae: No I wasn't...
Shelly: You have no responsibility if it's wrong. You just "Ah Huh" to make feel good.
Shae: I can only do math when it involves my Sims money.
Garen: We are cutting out for the stairs.
Bree: So, is the stairs going to be inside or outside of the building Itself?
Garen: There're going to be inside.
Bree: Inside. Ok.
Gary: We are sloping the steps down so that we can step them out as we go along. We will be building forms. Down here at the base, we have a four foot landing in fornt of the door that goes in.
Garen: Where there are pockets of mostly sand, the walls cave in but the clay like you see above, doesn't budge.
Bryson: If it collapses, what do we do? Lay underneath it.
Shae: With your mouth open.
Garen: Ya. And you eyes wide open.
Shae: And facing up.
Garen: Like you teach you in Avalanche training, go into the white smoke. It's like a wave you know. You go underneath it.
Bryson: There was some dirt lift over in the middle that we used when we dug out the trench. So, we're going to go ahead and use that to put in the bags.
Shae: Bags here and plastics separating the dirt from our bags.
Garen: That was a good burn Bry.
Bryson: Totally.
Bryson: Now that we have run out of dirt, it is a little bit more challenging to get the dirt. So, me and Garen thought of an idea.
Garen: We will cut it like right here.
Bryson: We went ahead an used a pipe. Pvc pipe casing for a well. What we will be doing is just scoop dirt into this funnel here and the dirt would slide down the pipe and be in the center of the room, so, we can use it for bagging.
Bryson: No I didn't put a brick. I was going to put a brick but I thought it was too far.
Bree: Stay tuned next time when we take precautions to strengthen the walls to ensure safety.
Bree: Lay the foundation wire. No we don't. When we get around 18 inches high with the bags we lay the .... I probably shouldn't do this with my hand. So what do you like better, these glasses or my hats? ..cause.. I gotta say, I'm running out of hats. I mean I have quite the collection but, there're depleting quickly.
Shae: please subscribe. For more information, you can click the website link below. If you like what you see, please share it with your friends. Thanks for watching.
Bryson: Ya. Mom's working there. They are standing.
Shelly: You should always be working when the camera comes on. Don't you know how this goes?
Bryson: Hi Max. Come on.