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The family builds bryson's earth bag bedroom Full Version!

Underground Earth Bag Construction

Episode 1

Laying the Foundation






Putting Down the Foundation in our Super, Secret Bunker! (a.k.a Recording & Art Studio)

With Bryson's building done, it's time to move on! A while back we had a friend dig a giant hole in the ground next to Bryson's hous. The hole is finally going to serve its purpose. We started leveling it and we are beginning our project!! Watch the video for more information and if you'd like to thumbs up and share it, we'd be very thankful :D








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Next Up - Electrical, Moisture Barrier and Dirt Chute




Continuous Sandbag building materials



Shae aka Winter_Apple
May 20, 2016











Transcript of Video


Bree: We had a little time before we start Shae's earth bag bedroom. So, we are going ahead and squeeze in a recording studio. That's no small task.
After all, we do need to fill in the gigantic hole next to Bryson's earth bag bedroom.
Gary: When we had Jeff out to dig the hole we were really pre-planning to have the studio done at the same time.
Bryson: It's really, really deep. Here, look at that. So, if we go this way, here is the latter. Come up here and I want to show you. There, get the whole crater.
Shelly: We noticed that the walls were kind of starting to fall in a little bit. So, we decided to lay that foundation layer.
Gary: That would be, I would say, pretty close to the center.
Shelly: Just to insure that it wouldn't get buried because it was going to be quite a few months before we would start building on it.
Bryson: We dug a trench all the way around the outside edges of where the walls were going to be.
Gary: We are taking the rock and putting it inside the foundation and we're going to be setting the walls on... We had originally planned to have a whole bunch of rock brought in so that we could stack the two wall on top of each other like a two story building would be. We kind of changed our mind a little bit, we are able to expand the top section so that we could encompass the stairwell.
Shelly: it's your high tech level mechanism.
Shae: We are like using two shovels and a string to level it all.
Gary: It happens to be right there. It looks good. Right here Shae.
Shae: I had gone through before and just kind of checked it and eye bald it. Oh It's level. And the guys came in and there starting to level it and it's getting less and less level. And they would like... It needs to go up. It's just like, no.
Bryson: We used some rail road ties for the entry and we just kind of buried them and then on the top we went ahead and cut one shorter to put on the top. Got a Drill bit?
Gary: Drills some holes.
Bryson: And then we took rebar and we banged it to hold the thing together. And that will the entry downstairs. It's going to be a little bit challenging to get this thing in the ground.
Shelly: It's started Uh Guys?
Bryson: Yup.
Shelly: Bryson's got his new hair cut
Bryson: It's cooler. Cooler because I don't have that hair on me. And Cooler because I look cooler.
Shelly: No comment over there? Popsicle girl? So, why didn't you bring one for all of us?
Bree: We're building a studio because we want to improve on multiple things. So, it will be, not only a sound studio but it will be a studio where ma we can put in a green screen, just kind of improve on the quality on all of our production. And then the upstairs is going to be more for projects.
Shae: we have really been needing a sound studio and art studio. I'm excited to have a place to work on my costumes and family to work with
Bree: When we have more significant progress, we will be bringing you part two. Well, I should say, what was it? I'm suppose to say super secret bunker, but I guess it's not a secret anymore. So never mind. Recording studio.
Shae: Please subscribe. For more information, you can click the website link below. If you like what you see, please share it with your friends. Thanks for watching.
Gary: (German Accent) We taken zee rock from zee truck and we're putting in zee foundation below. So ven za valls, I stack on zere won't fall over. And stuff like that zat. That's what we're doing.





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