Earthbag Room with Rocket Stove, Paperbag Floor & Pallet Ceiling
No more climbing the ladder every night up to his loft. Garen is all moved in and snug as a bug in his new room. Here are some new and improved ideas including an in-floor rocket stove, a construction paper floor, and a new twist on the pallet ceiling.
If you would like to see the making of exterior of this room, Click Here :)
Solar Dreams
We prepped this bedroom to run on solar. We are currently researching and learning what is needed to power both it & Bree’s room. A solar expert recommended we use a kilowatt meter to determine what & how many solar panel(s) we need. The main house will stay on regular power unless, of course, we come across a great deal on craigslist!
Third One
Bryson’s bedroom is next. He has a completely different design plan. This time we have a team of volunteers. We appreciate all the help we can get :)
November 2014
Step by Step - Building of Bry's Earth Bag Room
Full Verion - Building of Bry's Earth Bag Bedroom
Walk Thru Our First Earth Bag Construction Project!
Garen's Earth Bag Interior with Rocket Stove
Garen's Earth Bag Room - the Exterior
Bree's Earth Bag Room