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Inside Cob/Stucco & Starting Homemade Stair Railing | Shae's Earthbag Bedroom Ep21 | Weekly Peek

Shae’s Earthbag Bedroom

Episode 21








Inside Cob/Stucco & Starting Homemade Stair Railing

During the Thanksgiving week, we got some visitors who helped us with the cob/stucco on the interior. We also got started on the stair rail & prepped for the flooring in the lower floor. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Please enjoy!









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Margie's gluton free mixes:





Shae aka Winter_Apple
November 24, 2017


Video Transcript

last week we made a bottom step and posts
for the patio stairs, installed candy
jars and the last three windows on
Shae's earthbag bedroom for antsy to
we're antsy to finish up this earthbag bedroom so let's
get to work
Ellie and Garen came out and
they helped me to finish up the rest of
the stucco
we are all done now and
ready for paint
She is going to be so excited
when she sees it
it's so complete
just makes for the
funnest little room
it has all the windows down that side
and that downstairs
this is fun
day one of the
official cobbing of the inside
we did a
batch here
I'm just trying to smooth it
out the best I can
make sure everything
looks purdy
my planer broke
ut oh
so it's
gonna do this by hand but it's no fun
that's just plain unfortunate can we
just get another one or is it not like
running to town takes a look at the
mixture she says oh mama looks great and
then they just wash away they kept
talking you guys know where they're at
oh I think they might be in the studio
just gonna leave mom and your mom out
there yeah bird rabbit
they're in there talking art shop I feel
like the gloves that what free and yeah
I don't know we're gonna have to find
extra gloves no no no make it to Lots me
don't cement your hands together hard to
drive wait when I got this what I need
yeah what do I need - I just slap it on
the wall your uncle shellby real quick
okay yeah ah you start out with the
creases I was gonna do this first okay
and that's it it's like I'll let you
know that everyone will know that it
wasn't us who did this section
that's what we're doing you know we're
letting the ground only judge it well
this looks great you guys are both now
mothers and mothers
gotta see their little love for
Christmas my Christmas she killed wait
ah all right you have fun Christmas new
tool oh this has more buttons a little
flipper thing it works for flipping
which side the exhaust is gonna go out
on we can do that both ways it's kind of
cool comes with tape and I'm not sure
what that does keep away from your hands
that's an obvious one okay let's see why
do we have to know though before we can
fire it up and see what happens
yeah okay should we use the nice little
dust thingy yeah because this the blue
because I bought more you fill it
all right dad how'd it turn out right we
got a nice solid piece of lumber here
and I'm happy with it has a little bit
of a curve so it's got some personality
to it and this will be a leg that will
actually fit here I have already
pre-drilled the screw it's all set to go
now it's time for another one just keep
doing these on and they'll fill him up
with concrete it's time this is the
pizza crust mix Jeff Mama's pizza crust
my friend Margie she has been putting
these packets together and this is
original pizza crust her original recipe
she puts together these mixes all gluten
free what's it what's our gluten-free
grain free sugar free dairy free not
free soy free corn free Jim Hoppa she
had dessert II like cinnamon all crepes
for breakfast when we were excellent and
they're sugar free the way we make them
yeah but she sees stirring up this
business she's moving to Vegas where
she'll be selling all of these products
you got a website to every website geez
Mama's dot-com GF ma ma s calm
it's so cute
getting ready to trim Darren's hair
that's a lot of hair I know he's been I
grow it myself
it's like a lion's mane how's it looking
wow you tell me go for a pulmonary sweep
don't tell me about the back I don't
want to know it looks bad in the back
I'm never gonna see the back but we will
see the back so we have it doesn't
matter I feel like we want a preview of
this back do you feel better you know
what Shay my hair is always in style
that's some redhead fried right there oh
man I can't flick my hair I put my hand
back in nope got cut my favorite part is
that giant bald spot back
into the dirt right now in here and then
we're gonna rotor chill it real quick
and then throw our cement down to create
or soil cement floor arresting because
this is hard work
hey Marvin is gonna come just in time
for the Senate floor again Marvin he was
here last time on the pulse network so
Marvin if you're listening he's happy to
get here but now can I turn in the floor
thanks for being here
staying tuned for next Friday as we
continue work on Caesars bag bedroom
we'll help you had a great Thanksgiving
we'll see you soon bye please consider
supporting us on patreon the money make
right here I'm not an actor I know that
I think you guys didn't get much sleep
last night thank you you can literally
say like a word to be careful our family
moved from the city to the country
thanks for taking part in our adventure
we have new videos every Friday evening
if you would like to help us out you can
like this video share it subscribe or
support us on patreon see the links in
the description we're having a fashion
trend it's better than tinfoil hats yeah
that slips down dog here next you don't
you don't miss it not completely do you
like it so far the two seconds you pad
it yes that is so descriptive I totally
get it I can relate on like every level
they ready















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