Underground Earth Bag Construction
Episode 21
Paint, Can Lights & Rubber Floor Try!
Trying out the Floor (Cool!)
Again, you have given us so many great sound-proof floor ideas! We decided to go for a rubber floor install as we have never tried it. It was too irresistible! The result is yet to be determined... Check out the video to see what happens!
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Shae aka Winter_Apple
February 3, 2016
Transcript of Video
Bree: In the previous episode, we have natural light of the basement in the underground earth bag MusArt studio. This week we will start by doing some painting downstairs. Gary: See these two pins. That goes in there.
Bree: That's purple.
Shae: Hi buddy.
Bree: It is a good thing Garen is not here. Eh?
Shae: It's not purple. It is grey.
Bree: It is kinda of a Grayish grey. You know what you could?
Shae: What?
Bree: Use it as the do what use it as a base. And we are doing it as a staff of notes. So you do your whole line of notes. You start it there and ended it there.
Shae: Hi pretty boy. Hi pretty boy. What about staffs?
Bree: Do the musical staff all the way around. do each one of these.
Shae: I will take you down. Take you down...
Bryson: Alight the plan today is to put in the can lighting. Because you can do it.
Shelly: Cam you?
Bryson: ...to put the can lights in. Oh ya..
Gary: I have never seen these connectors before. look...
Bryson: They are actually really cool. I have used them.
Gary: They are cool though.
Bryson: You put them like...
Gary: For people like me who make simple mistakes...
Bryson: That is ridiculous.
Gary: Reduckulas. Perfect.
Shelly: It that a head holder?
Gary: Brson?
Bryson: yea...
Gary: Where was you when I was putting mine in?
Bryson: You know it doesn't matter to have that crooked?
Gary: It does to me now.
Shelly: Do you straighten it out Gar?
Gary: I did.
Bryson: Are we going to wire this thing.
Gary: Yea.
She: If you think the guys are the only ones working, We are going to give you a sneak peek of a future video. Follow me.
Bryson: Whoa are those little dragons?
She: Yes. Miniature little...
Bryson: What's that?
She: That's the tip of the wing.
Shelly: We started to get comments about the rubber floor. It was just very exciting to me because it's something completely different that we haven't tried before but I have a tendency to like okay we we've done that now let's go try something different even if that past thing worked. I like to keep moving and doing something different. and so I started doing some research on it but when I went to go priced them out it's like 25 hundred dollars to do our little by little floor down there so that's kind of silly so we've got why don't we try to figure out what they’re doing and what they're using we know that they're using recycled tires they're using it in very small pieces and then they're using a glue to bind them. So what we are going to do is we picked red and backgrounds rubber for a little test colors and there is a little opening on this one. This is actually called mulch and you can see it is actually tire pieces of recycled tires. And then they use something called wet poor which is really be the way that makes it into a hard floor and we discovered it was polyurethane that they're using to bind so we're just going to do a little experiment just to see if we maybe can do it this way. Because I would really love to do something different and fun. Bryson is going to get our cheaper going here. We want to chip the mulch a little bit more. Our chipper wasn't working. So Bryson jumped in there to fix it.
Bryson: That stupid chipper.
Shelly: So this is like some serious wrong huh?
Bryson: Naw, I wouldn't call this serious.
Shelly: So this thing is not going to be fixable this point without more parts we're not going to order the parts for it. Sometimes, our attempts to fix things don't go quite likely expect.
Bryson: It was an accident. It is suppose to have two wires and now it doesn't.
Shelly: It does not stop us we are going to go now with a blender. Huh Bryson?
Bryson: I want to be there when you do it..
Shelly: You better get over here because I'm ready to do it. This chipper makes a good table huh Bryson?
Bryson: Ya. It is good foe something.
Shelly Yea. I like it.
Bryson: Really.
Shelly: It is not chopping anything up.
Bryson: No. Not really. I don the wood chipper would have done this.
Shelly: The wood chipper would not have worked either. And now we need another chop it up idea. We then decide to take too much out of the jar and try again.
Bryson: We broke it.
Shelly: (kidding) What did you do that for?
Bree: You broke it.
Shelly: And it’s no different.
Gary: What's wrong with the size pecies that are already there?
Shelly: Well i have to say, that some of the website shows big chunks like this we could just try it without chopping it down.
Gary: Why don't you do your experiment that way.
Shelly: ok.so who has glasses who can see this I can't. Ok That's good Ok ok. That's definitely more than I thought you doing here then he shook it inside the plastic bag oh yeah that looks good. Let's take it down there and try it out.
Gary: Half inch...three quarters.
Shelly: ok so we'll come back.
Gary: we wanted to go with that kind of play ground floor and have some acoustic things that we liked about it comfort we just have some ability to deaden sound.
Shelly: when I thought it was wake up to this morning is just no way which is going to work and i'm giving a little hopeful at this moment.
Bree: oh is this it? oh I think that would be kind of fun to get together
Bryson: make sure we don't have to.
Bree: it is going to really fun in here.
Gary: Oh ya. that is really nice.
Bryson: you know it’s really cool about it is if we dropping anything....
Gary: You drop your guitar and boom...it comes right back in to your hand.
Bryson: That is actually a really good thing. It is not quite dry though.
Shelly: Should we go for it?
Gary: Ya , Let's do. I will get to cleaning.
Shelly: Good.
Gary: The great about bringing in a lot of different ideas about how I rooms where you know from your own experience so what's been learning capturing from what you have been saying. we need a room that has the modular approach. i haven't learned so much about how to arrange the room and modular fashion to get the best recording. we're going to have video down there we have music down there you have a low base down there we have high, vocals.
Shelly: yeah and we'll be doing to the lifestream podcast well that'll be something that would be going down there as well. This rubber floor not like if we could use it anywhere else. we're going to leave that piece and then we'll move on to other things. it's somewhat fortifying it looks like we're going to need something on the top of it.
Gary: a sealer and that's probably gonna be good not only to come fill in some of the gaps but also to may be also trap in some of those out gasping problems by casting of tire sometimes you can be you know...Who wants to smell rubber all of the time.
Shelly: we wanted those open rafters so we could pass things down to the floor if we were going to be doing something heavy. and how can we know we're going to go with this rubber idea, we can go ahead and close up the second floor. we will be moving on to that next but for now I think we’ll just leave this floor like it is and wait to hear back from you hoping to get some really good ideas of how we might be able to seal and some other things that we can do with the floor.
Gary: you have had all kinds of great suggestions... cork; dead in, wood, oak, you can also put carpets down too. I like to lay my gear on carpets and stand on carpet. it will be nice to be standing there and have a little cush on my feet.
Bryson: it is really gonna to be awesome. definitely feel like a playground
Gary: It is a playground. It is a musical studio boingyboingy.
Bree: stay tuned for next time we continue building on the MusArt Studio. just a quick reminder we’re going to be doing that live stream podcast but will be opening it up to the public instead of a private webinar that we talked about earlier. the first one will be on Wednesday February 22nd. we hope to see you there have a wonderful week.
All: Thank You.
Shae: please consider supporting us on patreon. grab a ma
Shelly: Cool.
Shae: are you proud of me
Shelly: i am proud of you always. Look at this. there's actually cloth inside this too. you see that?
Shae: that’s weird
Shelly: at least it's not metal.
Shae: I could sew with this. I could make a dress
Shelly: yeah I think experiments to try
Shae: our family moved from the city to the country. thanks for taking part in our adventure. we have new videos every Friday evening. if you'd like to help us out, you can like this video share it, or subscribe or support us on patreon. See the links in the description.
Shelly:What is that? red or brown? you going to eat that Desiel? Get out of there goof ball. seriously seriously. does he like it? what's wrong with you. what's wrong with that. you were supposed to put your head in there and then realize you didn’t like it. you went the wrong way guy.
Bryson: Sumo wrestling. We could a sumo match down there
Gary: With the great big suits.
Bryson: We are going to need some cushioning on the walls.
Gush: Fat suit...
Gary: Did you say fat suit? that's not PC. That's different sumo is cool.
Shelly: It's not fat, it is muscle.t
Gary: now we going to have low bass down there were going to vocals we're gonna be recording speaking....