Underground Earth Bag Construction
Episode 4
Completing the Underground Walls
Finishing up the Bagging
We've been working hard to get the earth bags built to ground level and it's finally complete! Now granted, we'll have more bagging to do between the rafters once we start the roof but for now we have a bag break! Soon we will be putting in the steps and such. Check out the video and feel free to share it on your social medias :P
Missed Laying the Foundation - Episode 1?
Missed Placing the Electrical, Moisture Barrier and Dirt Chute - Episode 2?
Building Considerations to Strengthen the Walls - Episode 3?
Next Up
Completing the Underground Walls - Episode 5
Shae aka Winter_Apple
July 8, 2016
Transcript of Video
Bree: Last time we strengthened the walls to ensure the safety for our underground earth bag building.
Bree: We are going to get started in just a second but I wanted to let you know just in case you haven’t heard yet that we started up a Patreon page. Patreon is a place you can sponsor us. Nothing will change on Youtube, we’ll still be doing the Weekly Peeks. This just allows you yo contribute if you’d like to.
There are also gifts that come with donation amounts such as a private my little homestead feed, webinars,
earth bag floor plans for our bedrooms, things like that. You will find all the information by visiting the Patreon link in the description.
Bree: Now that the announcements are done, it’s time to get back into building.
Bree: We keep moving up, building the walls like a tube of toothepaste. (I’ve always wanted to say that)
Bree: Cleats are placed to secure the bags to the doorframe.
Garen: One more.
Shelly: Put them in as many places as possible.
Bree: We need several hanger cleats installed around the building in order to hang green screen and other background type items on the wall.
Shelly: It looks like we are standing on the same level.
Shae: We are. Get on my level son.
Shelly: Shae you have never stood on something this high. You’re getting very good.
Shae: Do I look tall to you? It does make you feel level though with so much dirt.
Garen: Diesel!
Bryson: Roll up on the sides like this and the bags kinda stick out on the roll. And this whole side of the roll, if it gets a lot of sun, the bag is really brittle at that point. So you can just rip these down the sides of the bag. We can’t have that.
Garen: The wind kept blowing off the cover. The sun dry rotted the edges of the bag. When we are working with them, they will just split all the way down. So we have been doubling up the bag. If one spot rips, there is always another one underneath it to catch the dirt.
Bryson: So we end up having 2 layers and that seems to solve our problem. But it’s kinda a bummer because we are using this roll twice as fast because of it. Next time we have to find a solution. Like maybe we bungee cord a tarp on it or something.
Bree: I find that if I stay in the air conditioning all summer long, the summer gets super hot. So I find if I go out every day, I get more adjusted to the heat.
Garen: I get out and work in it and your body seems to get used to it.
Bryson: All I know is I am hot. Apparently I haven’t been out in the heat enough. So it’s really important to get out early. It’s like 10:00am and the sun is like POOF. And the heat is like BOOM. It’s really hot outside. It’s not hot, it’s just our brains telling us it’s hot. You know it could be worse. We were in Phoenix that one time and it was 118 degrees.
Shelly: Yahoo. Are you ready?
Bree: Yes I am.
Shelly: Wow, that’s gonna keep the sun off.
Bree: It was only 25 bucks. I couldn’t say no.
Bryson: Go get it. Quick, I only have so much time before he comes back.
Bree: Here have some dirt.
Bryson: Here. scoot that way. Look at that.
Bree: It’s the simple things in life.
Shelly: Bryson has always been a boy of wonder.
Garen: We all wonder too.
Bryson: Hey guys, I got a spec of dirt on me.
Bree: Nah, I’m not going to do that. What?
Garen: Back in China when they first invented the fireworks
Shelly: China invented fireworks?
Shae: Yah Mom.
Garen: They invented the black powder and they are like, let’s make beauty out of it. And we got it and made guns.
Garen: There will be a step into the building. We ended up wanting the ceiling to be higher so the bottom won’t feel so cramped. We added a little bit.
Bree: Stay tuned for next time as we build the stairs. We just keep on climbing.
Bree: Thanks for watching. Don’t forget to check out Patreon and we’ll see you next Friday!
Shelly: There’s Monday. He never gets camera time. He is so critical to our farm. Once we got Monday, we stopped losing chickens. Is he your favorite huh? huh? You are stealing the show.
Garen: Now back out. There you go.
Shelly: But this guy’s the worker, right there.
Shae: Please subscribe. Thanks for Watching!
Bree: I thought of that. This comes from my brain to the board. From our veins to our brains to the cement. Tomato Tomato I’m sure there is some technical reason why there is a difference. That’s cool. We just keep on climbing. I’ve forgotten how to blink. I’m just kidding. ooooohhhhhh.