Underground Earth Bag Construction
Episode 7
Electrical & Window Boxes for Mus-Art Studio
Growing Walls for the 2nd Floor
The gals are back from Vegas and the Mus-Art studio is coming along! We put the electric boxes & wire, and window frames in this video. Check it out! Please like and subscribe! New videos every Friday! :D
Laying the Foundation - Episode 1
Placing the Electrical, Moisture Barrier and Dirt Chute - Episode 2
Building Considerations to Strengthen the Walls - Episode 3
Completing the Underground Walls - Episode 4
Completing the Underground Stairs - Episode 5
Foundation for 2nd Story - Episode 6
Next Up - Reinforce Walls and Window Boxes
Shae aka Winter_Apple
September 2, 2016
Transcript of Video
Last time, Garen plotted the foundation for the second floor and we laid a few new layers of bags on the Earthbag MusArt Studio.
The walls continue to grow.
Nice whinny wheel.
Thank you.
We know who is the squeaky wheel in this family.
The guys prepare for the electrical outlets.
We installed the electrical boxes like you would if it were cleat. Just nailed the boxes right to the plywood. In the past, we had to use a little piece of 2x4 to nail the box to. But, we didn't need it. It was over kill.
Why not? Why don't we just do it this way
The duplex boxes we're using have nils on the box themselves. So it's like nailing them to a stud.
Shae should be out here learning electrical.
It will help here re-wire her house.
You never know Bry.
"U" nails?
Ok, so the question is ... I have one more outlet. Where would you want it? Three across that edge, rocket stove...one right there?
I think it looks perfect.
We just run the wire in between the bags and make sure they're separated from the barbed wire, so we won't get get any "shorting" going on.
Inside or outside?
Outside wire. Inside barbed wire.
It's easier than trying to pin it to the wall later and put cob over it.
...to be real safe, we separate the barbed wire from the electrical wire with "U" nails.
Subscribe if you want to see more "U" nails.
We pin the electrical wire right to the bags, but they are totally separated..
What's that one now Garen?
The light switch you said we needed. Because you were right. We needed one. What's up with you being right today mom?
When the kids get a room, they get a dog. And Bryson hasn't gotten his yet. We finished his room, I don't know...a couple months back.... I think he just wanted to settle in. When the kids get up in their teenaged years, you know you no longer really ... Like, when they're little, you hug them and you kind of cuddle with, but as they get older, you know, you just don't do it anymore.
It's tough when dad lays a big kiss on them. Smooooooch.
So, we like them to have an animal when they get up in that age. Because, it just gives them something they can cuddle with and love on.
I'm more like a teacup poodle.
For Bryson?
I could get a poodle.
You want to get a poodle?
Poodle...yea. A poodle shaved all the way down to the skin. With just its tail.
God makes one of those. It's called a hairless poodle.
You wouldn't have to shave it. Why don't you get a gerbil or something you can put in a cage.
You could get a Great Dane. So it can tackle Diesel.
I've thought about that.
I think you get a not so Great Dane. Real small.
So what kind of dog? You want something that doesn't shed?
Small or big, I don't know.
Oh. You would take a small dog?
I could get a wiener dog.
You want a hairy dog that doesn't shed?
I want a reaally dog that doesn't shed. Or bark...or eat or poop.
I think you are talking abut a statue.
She doesn't know what a Furbee is.
It's one of those creep dolls...the eyes and no... I know what a Furbee is.
They're not creepy, they were all the rage.
They're creepy.
How about a cuddly toys? Like a plushy toy? They could cuddle that.
It's now window level.
We got the window wraps for between for been the bags.
This is the lightest thing I've ever cried in my life. They've gained weight.
Eight footers and ten footers.
Watch your toes.
This particular room has larger Windows. A three foot by five foot window. So, they are three foot wide by five foot tall. The boxes we built for them are pretty much the same types of boxes out of two by tens.
Dad is nailing these braces in to them square. So that you don't have a window that is like...
On Bryson's building, we used two by twelves. On Bree and Garen's building, we used two by tens. We went back to the two by tens. The cost isn't as much. It's not as round so you can put something that is not s thick.
To be honest with you, eye balled it.
We will just wait, while dad and Garen plan out all the windows. A few inches this way, a few inches that way. Then they will go back to their original idea. And then go over and do another idea. Discuss. Discuss. Discuss.garen is bothered by that window right there. Dad likes the symmetrical. Garen is like... That view is like...we can't see that...
What are we going to do today? If there're planning on the building.
We'll milk the goats.
And let them put the Windows in?
Hold it s we go up. When we put our next cleat on...probable on this layer, right dad? So when we get a cleat on here, we'll level and tap the window back and forth to get it level. We'll nail it in on both sides. And then we will keep going up. We don't have to have any extra wood holding it.
Essentially, we're just plumbing it as we go. Plumbing the Windows as we go.
I'm putting in a Murphy bed right here. This isn't really any usable space. I think it goes Bette rover here. We start preparing for it by putting in the cleats so I have something to attach the Murphy bed to. We need to keep it away from the stairs here and away from the door there. So when it comes down, we can still get to the stairs.
Garen is so strong, he just broke it off.
The good news is, we have some have some big welding power.
Let's wait until we get the bag on. Then we have something really solid to go against.
It's like with Bryson's and even I think Garen's, we kind of posted things in with a brace. And we hooked it right into the ground, so that the box itself wouldn't move around. Well we found that...that would get in the way...this contraption...trying to get around it...whatever. This time we kind of build as we go. We put the cleats in right at the bottom. And the bags right on the top. So that the Windows themselves will stay..maybe they will move a little bit, but when we get up to that level, and it's time to put another cleat in, we plumb it at that time. Nail that in we haven't had any real serious bag movement. So everything settle really nicely.
At the end even if we were to sure up those with our stakes going down, we would still have to level and plumb it in anyway.
We have to bang it around to get it into place because those get moved around and stepped on and tripped on.
The guys, they have Shae, have been hard at work while me and mom have been playing in Vegas.hence the hat..and glasses. This is what it looked like when we left and this is what it looks like now. Oh, and how did I do in Vegas? I won some and I lost ...more. But, hey, we do our part to keep those casinos in business. Stay tuned next time when we finish up the walls. We'll see next time. Have a great week.
Thank you.
Did you hear this noise in the background? Well, now you know what it is.
Our family moved from the city to country. Thanks for taking part in our adventure.
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Oh with a big Great Dane could you imagine? How cuddly is a big Great Dane?
Cuddly as a puppy.
They don't stay that way.
Tout I thinks it. Shift knob. Whooooo.
I hit the punch line a little too soon.